Generosity and Sacrifice

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Nadine's friends are standing in line outside the theatre when Cheryl Martin's car pulls up. Janice is the first to notice Nadine and Adele exiting the vehicle.

"I can't believe she actually brought her."

Trish, who had already informed them about Nadine's intended guest, simply remarks, "Told you."

Back at the car, Cheryl tells Nadine, "Look...I know you just had to see the new Johnny Depp movie on opening day...but it's a school night. So I'll be back to pick you up out here in two hours. Got it?"

Nadine smiles as she gives her a sharp, sloppy salute, "Yes, sir; Mom."

Cheryl shakes her head while smiling, "Alright, smarty pants; go on and have fun."

Nadine playfully tells her, "Love you, Mommy."

Cheryl jocularly retorts, "Yeah, yeah; love you, too. Now beat it." And as Nadine starts to walk away; she calls out once more, "Two hours."

Before walking away, Adele bends down and leans into the open passenger window. "Thank you very much for picking me up and bringing me to the movies, Mrs. Martin."

Cheryl's still a little amazed at the politeness and sincerity exuded from this teenager. None of Nadine's other friends had ever been so well-mannered or behaved as this child had been in their brief acquaintance so far.

"You're welcome, Adele."

Adele gives her a tender smile; then leaves to join Nadine and her friends. As Adele walks away, Cheryl watches with a pleased smile on her face.

" already know Janice from Mr. Trudeaux's class...and Trish was with me when I asked you to the movies. And this is Sarah. Hey, guys; you know Adele."

They give Adele a quick nod and terse "hey", just to be quasi-sociable; but only for Nadine's sake. Meanwhile; Adele, in her typical fashion, remains silent while staring at the ground.

As Nadine and her friends partake in some idle chit-chat, Adele begins to observe her foreign surroundings. With the exception of school, she rarely goes into town; preferring to either stay at home with Grandma or meander through the woods behind their house, enjoying all the simple pleasures that Mother Nature has to she used to do with Grandpa Joe. Adele feels it's best to avoid going into town anyway; because on those rare occasions when she does go, she always finds herself being teased or made fun of by someone or another there. If it wasn't for the fact that Nadine Martin had asked her to go to the movies with her, Adele would be home right now with Grandma.

Suddenly, her attention is drawn to a pair of young siblings being teased by three other children eating ice cream.

The first mean kid asks them, "Where's your ice cream?"

The second mean kid cruelly points out, "They're poor...they can't pay for ice cream."

The third mean kid taunts, " can't buy this ice cream with Food Stamps... ain't that right; poor kids?"

The first mean kid starts to wave his ice cream cone in front of their faces and teases, "Gee; that's too bad..." then he takes a long lick and continues, "'cause this ice cream sure tastes good."

The second mean kid takes a lick from his cone and spitefully concurs, "Sure is."

They walk away eating their ice cream cones; leaving the brother and sister on the curb looking dejected.

This has hurt Adele deeply. She can just imagine what they must be feeling like inside; for she has been there all too often herself. She immediately leaves the line and heads over to them.

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