Adele's First Chemo Treatment

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At Nadine's request, Cheryl isn't in attendance at this chemotherapy session. Nadine feels that Cheryl deserves, and definitely can use, some time away from having to deal with her illness. Besides, she has other companions who could accompany her to the hospital for them. Now that she's back in town, Nadine...who even though loves her mother with all her heart, and is comforted by her presence...would prefer to have Corrine with her at the treatments; although she wouldn't dare reveal this to her mom. And, now that she knows Nadine's sick, Adele's presence is also wholeheartedly welcomed by Nadine. In fact, Nadine feels equally as adamant about having Adele with her as much as Corrine.

Adele has been meticulously observing Dr. Minoit insert several intravenous tubes into Nadine's arms; then watches as he calibrates the ominous monstrosity of machine they're running from to systematically deliver the proper dosage of medicine into Nadine's body. She's still having a difficult time grasping the whole concept of chemotherapy.

"I don't's supposed to help Nadine get better...but it's gonna make her feel sick?"

As Dr. Minoit finishes, he smiles and chuckles before admitting to Adele, "Yeah; it doesn't make much sense to me either...and I'm a doctor." He starts the machine, then explains in the simplest way he can think of, "What it basically is, Adele; it's caused by the medicine fighting the cancer in Nadine."

Adele surmises, "So...when the medicine's done fighting the cancer...Nadine won't feel sick anymore...and then she'll be better."

Nadine, Dr. Minoit and Corrine briefly exchange a series of quick glances to each other.

Even though Adele's aware that she's sick...and that's only because she managed to figure it out on her own...Nadine doesn't want to reveal her bleak fate to her just yet. She doesn't want to burden Adele with the knowledge of her more than probable demise. Ever since discovering this herself, Nadine has determined within her mind...and heart... that before she died, she would get others to start seeing Adele for the truly wonderful person that she has discovered her to be; and also help Adele build up her self-esteem. If she could accomplish this, Nadine feels she would be able to rest in peace knowing that Adele would finally be accepted by others; and be okay even if she wasn't around to look out after her.

So far, things have been going pretty well, and some people are starting to appreciate a few of Adele's up until recently unnoticed, captivatingly adorable qualities; allowing them to look past her other slight deficiencies and oddities, which had made her an unjust target of demeaning ridicule all these years. And Nadine fears that if she finds out everything involving her illness, Adele would be so upset and worried about her that she wouldn't be capable of being her true self around others anymore; possibly causing her to regress back to the misunderstood Adele Wilson, thus provoking the former teasing and mistreatment from everyone once again.

Nadine decisively resolved that she must prolong Adele from finding out that she's going to die; as long as she possibly can. Until the moment when she can't keep it from her any longer.

Nadine looks up to Adele, smiles and takes her hands. "Yes...and then I'll be better." She turns to the doctor and projects a look imploring him to go along. "Right; Dr. Minoit?"

A happy-faced Adele quickly spins around and looks to a sober looking Dr. Minoit; who apprehensively tells her, "Yes...then she'll be better."

Adele turns back around and hugs Nadine.

"See...I told you...everything's going to be fine. I'll just take my medicine...and I'll get better."

Dr. Minoit picks up a stack of folders from the counter. "'re all setup, Nadine. Now, if you ladies will excuse me; I have to go and make some rounds." He looks down at his watch, then back at Nadine. "I'll be back in about ninety minutes to finish up with you, Nadine. In the meantime, the nurses will be in once in a while to check up on you. Okay?"

"Yeah; thanks, Doc."

"Alright then...see you later. Ladies." He leaves.

Adele sits beside Nadine and takes hold of her hand. Corrine, who appears anxious, starts pacing. She stops almost as suddenly as she started, then announces...

"Uh...I think I'm gonna go to the you two want anything?"

Nadine replies, "No thanks."

Adele replies, "No thank you, Corrine."

"Okay; then I'll be back in a few."

Corrine leaves the room and hurries down the hall to catch up with the doctor. "Excuse me; Dr. Minoit?"

He stops and turns around. "Yes, Corrine?"

"My sister...what's going to happen?" There's a brief moment of silence as they stare at each other; then Corrine continues, "I mean; my mom's sure that she'll be fine after taking the treatments...which is what Nadine's telling Adele. But I'm pretty sure that she's only telling Adele that to spare her the worry because...Dr. Minoit...Nadine told me that...well...that she doesn't think she's going to beat it this time."

There's another lull in the conversation as a look of trepidation starts to emerge upon her countenance. Corrine, fearful of what his response may be, hesitantly asks...

"So...which one is it, Dr. Minoit...who's right?"

"Corrine; your mother...well...she's a mother. And being a mother, that means that she wants to by nature hold on to all hope. To believe that everything's going to be fine...that her child isn't going to die." He pauses briefly before concluding, "But I think you already know that of the two them...well...that Nadine's probably inclined to be more intuitive and accepting of her own fate. Corrine...I'm sorry...but your sister's not going to survive the leukemia this time."

She quickly wipes away the tears beginning to run down her cheeks and sniffles, "How long?"

"It's hard to say. The chemotherapy could slow down the process of the illness a little; prolonging the..."

"Dr. Minoit; long?"

He takes a moment before answering, "My best guess...June, July...she may possibly even make it through to August. all honesty...I don't foresee her making it to next fall."

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