Adele's First Funeral

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There was one other person who would also have been in attendance at the Wilson-Martin Junior Prom that evening had it not been for a devastating turn of events which began a couple of days prior.

While napping in her bassinet outside, Leah VanCleef's baby sister had been bitten by a deer tick; which had transmitted Rocky Mountain spotted fever to the infant. The night of their prom, Leah VanCleef was home praying to God to allow her sister...who was burning up with a fever of close to 110 degrees Fahrenheit; and quickly succumbing to survive and become well again soon. Tragically, two days following what was probably one of the best nights of Nadine Martin's life...little Elizabeth VanCleef died.

The day of the funeral, a heartbroken Leah is grieving all by herself in the fron tpew of the church, morosely looking upon the tiny casket, when her mother comes up from behind and gently taps her shoulder. She doesn't say anything, but gestures for Leah to look towards the back of the room. When Leah turns around, tears begin flowing from her already wet, misty eyes. She can't believe what she's seeing.

Adele and Corrine are assisting a very weak Nadine, as she uses a walker to support herself upright while slowly shuffling her feet to gradually move down the aisle. Sarah, Trish and Janice are walking close behind them.

When Nadine heard that her baby sister died, she insisted that they should go. And, just like when Leah had apologized to her that day in front of Christy and her followers... though done mostly for Leah's sake with much sincerity...Nadine also has an underlying ulterior agenda for their presence today. 

 Her own death is imminent, and one day soon she'll be the one lying in the casket. Adele had never been to a funeral before...not even her Grandpa Joe's; because Estelle thought it would be too much for her to handle...and Adele had admitted to Nadine that she was nervous about going to hers. Nadine feels this would be a good test for Adele.

Leah's overwhelmingly choked up. Sure, Nadine told her that she'd forgiven her for all of her past maltreatment towards her and Adele; but, at that time, those were just words...much appreciated words...but only words just the same. But, now here she is. This is a definitive act; a gesture of genuine forgiveness and self-sacrifice. Nadine Martin, the girl whom it's apparent to anyone who looks upon is suffering and rapidly dying herself, has come today to be with and comfort her during her time of loss and sorrow. Leah's now certain that Nadine truly meant it when she gave her forgiveness to her; for Nadine and the others accompanying her were the only ones from outside of Leah's family who came for Elizabeth's funeral today.

She meets them halfway down the aisle. Leah stands in front of Nadine for a moment, staring into her jaundiced, slightly sunken in eyes. Suddenly, Leah bursts into tears and falls to her knees; grasping onto Nadine's walker and resting her forehead on the front bar. As Leah cries, Nadine tenderly caresses the top of her head.

Frequently having difficulty talking these days, Nadine speaks very softly, "I'm so sorry, Leah. Is there anything we can do for you or your family?"

Leah looks up to Nadine displaying a look of total gratitude, then takes hold of Nadine's hands and kisses them. "" 

She lets go of Nadine's hands, then wipes her face dry as she stands back up. "You just being here is enough, Nadine. I'm glad you came..."she looks to the others, "All of you."

Leah carefully takes the walker from Nadine and gives it to Corrine; taking her place on Nadine's right. Nadine places her arms over Adele and Leah's shoulders for support, and then they help her to the front pew.

They remain reverently quiet, each holding onto the hand of the person sitting next to them, looking upon Elizabeth's casket. Several minutes pass by like this until Adele finally speaks up...

"Don't be too sad, Leah...Preacher Redmond says that when babies die, they go right up to Heaven to be with God Himself. He has a special place for them by His side. So, Elizabeth will be taken care of."

The others immediately look to Leah, who remains staring at the tiny coffin; then they look at Adele. Adele immediately notices them looking at her, then looks down to the floor and starts biting down on her lower lip. After a brief moment, she apologizes...

"I'm sorry, Leah. I didn't mean to..."

Without looking away from the casket, Leah reaches over Nadine's lap and takes Adele's hand; giving it a gentle squeeze. "That's okay, Adele;" she looks at Adele and gives her a small smile, "you're right...she is."

A relieved Adele returns a small smile back at Leah.

Once the service begins, Nadine keeps looking over at Adele to see how she's doing. She can't tell though, because for the first time since knowing her, Adele seems to have gone totally numb; not showing any kind of emotion whatsoever. Nadine's starting to worry.

About halfway through, Adele suddenly jumps up and runs out of the church. Nadine looks to Corrine to go after Adele; but Sarah unexpectedly intervenes.

"That's okay, stay here with Nadine. I'll go check on her."

Nadine asks, "You sure?"

Sarah stands and briefly takes hold of Nadine's hand in passing. "Yeah; I'm sure. I got it."


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