The Invitation

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Adele's ambling about keeping to herself when she hears a familiar voice call out...


She turns around, and with a look of surprise in her eyes, utters aloud to herself, "Nadine?"

Adele stares at the ground as Nadine and Trish approach.

"Hey...we're going to the movies later. Wanna come?"

Thrown into a minor confounded state, Adele's momentarily speechless. She wonders if this day can be anymore fantastical. After having experiencing all those amazing moments earlier this morning, Nadine Martin is now asking her to go to the movies with her. When able to speak, all she manages to do is bring herself to ask...

"The movies?"

Lacking decorum, Trish cynically remarks, " played on a big screen in a theater."

This was the kind of condescending remark all too familiar to Adele; the kind she came to expect. Perhaps the dream was coming to an end, and she was getting ready to awaken from it. Regardless of whether this was all a dream or actually happening, Adele now feels awkward, and her eyes aim even lower to the ground; as her neck subtly begins to draw back into her shoulders.

Noticing this, Nadine's afraid that Trish's insensitive comment might have scared off Adele from accepting her most sincere invitation to go with them to the movies; so she shoots Trish a reprimanding look to cut it out.


"Anyway..."Nadine addresses Adele, "So; you want to go?"

Had it just been Nadine, Adele would have jumped at the invite; but the "we're" part means more than just her.

"I don't know."

"Come on; it'll be fun."

Adele hesitantly sort of accepts with a meekly uttered, "I guess."

"Great. My mom and I will pick you up. Where do you live?"

Exhibiting her childlike mannerism, Adele answers as any child might answer, "I live with my grandma."

Nadine chuckles. " where does your grandmother live?'

Again, the child within her prevails. "She lives with me."

With Adele's pure innocence radiating through in those simplistic childish responses, Nadine can't help but to laugh. Not to be mean though...they just honestly struck her funny bone. And Adele realizes this; especially since she was now being given a friendly hug from Nadine.

Trish, on the other hand, isn't so amused. She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

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