Roosevelt High's Junior Prom

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After extensive perusals through the dozens of travel brochures on the 'Aloha' state from Nadine's collection, the school gymnasium's decorated with a Hawaiian theme. There's a proliferation of cutout, cardboard palm trees and plastic Tike statues amassed along the gym floor's court borders. Pineapples sit on the tables' centers, along with exotic flowers indigenous to the South Pacific...some real, some artificial...which are also strewn about the room. Bright, colorful crepe paper streamers and balloons are hanging from the ceiling rafters and bleachers. Meanwhile, Hawaiian style music plays as several students and faculty members wearing grass skirts and leis attempt to perform a traditional hula dance.

Mr. Trudeaux sees Adele, Sarah, Janice and Trish enter the gym, and goes over to them. "Good evening, ladies. My, don't you all look lovely this evening."

Adele looks around the room, noticing how everyone there seems to be having a good time and enjoying themselves, as a frown forms on her face.

She languishes, "This isn't right."

"What isn't right, Ms. Wilson?"

"Nadine...Nadine should be here. She should be at prom, too."

Sarah, Janice and Trish, who are in agreement with Adele, exchange somber glances to each other.

"Well...what do you propose we do about that, Ms. Wilson?"

Adele slowly scans the gymnasium once again; and then her frown's suddenly replaced with a grin. "I know."

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