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Cheryl's in the kitchen heating up yet another prepared meal that Estelle has sent over for them. She even prepares separate portions suited for Nadine; meals more palatable and agreeable for her now constantly sensitive and easily upset stomach. This is the least she can do for the Martins during these troubling times. Estelle remembers when her husband was dying from cancer, and how burdensome it seemed to have to worry about preparing meals while trying to deal with everything else involved with taking care of him. And during that time, she just had to tend after Joe and Adele. Cheryl still works, though cutdown to part-time hours, while coping with Nadine's illness and taking care of a family consisting of a husband, two daughters...and Adele; who has become sort of a semi-fixture at the Martin household. And this extra mouth to feed is another reason why Estelle feels obliged to send meals over; though Cheryl and David don't mind Adele's presence at all. On the contrary, they're rather happy that Adele's around; taking comfort in the fact that she's thereto keep Nadine company.

It's an unseasonably cold winter this year, and because her weakened immune system makes her more susceptible to catching colds, Nadine finds herself pretty much being confined in the house. She still goes to school most days when she's feels up to it; but only after being bundled up enough in Cheryl's eyes to make the excursion from the house, or school, to a sufficiently heated up vehicle. Other than that, she's inside at home. Because of this, Nadine's truly thankful for Adele's constant companionship; and greatly appreciates the sacrifice she's making for her. Nadine assumes that Adele, being who she is, would probably rather be spending her days outside in the woods; even though it was winter. And she is correct in that assumption.

It isn't that Adele minds staying inside with Nadine...she would honestly choose being with her best friend over a day outside; despite the fact that she does love communing with Mother Nature...though the ideal scenario for her would be to be able to be outside with Nadine; and she has occasionally secretly wished that Nadine would get better soon so they could spend at least one day this winter out in the woods.

Adele appreciates all the beauty that nature has to offer; and winter provides a unique type of beauty for her to relish in. She loves the pristine setting the woods take on after being canvassed with a pure white, powdery, fluffy in appearance blanket of snow. And though most of the foliage has disappeared, along with its brilliant coloring...especially that exhibited during the fall season...Adele sees the recently bared forest as displaying an alternate, but still magnificent, visual panorama. 

Encased in a thin layering of ice sheaths, the trees seemingly shimmer in the sunlight during the day. Also, as the sun shines down upon the woods, its rays refract through a myriad of dangling icicles producing an incredible prism effect; appearing as if a countless number of tiny rainbows are merrily dancing about. To Adele, both instances combined create a wondrous, natural light show for the eyes to behold.

She even enjoys the cold winter temperatures; which leave a crisp, fresh clean taste in her mouth and smell in her nose. And she fancies every time she exhales, watching the breath expelled become a visible cloud majestically wafting through the air in front of her face until evaporating before her eyes. She indulges her childlike way of thinking by imagining that each breath is a piece of her spirit released into the air, which will eventually bond with nature and make her a part of the woods that she cherishes so dearly; also allowing her to be with Grandpa Joe once again.

Adele truly loves spending time in the woods during the winter, just as much she loves spending time in them during every other season, and wishes she could share that experience with Nadine. But she understands why Nadine can't go least not while she's sick...and has no problem spending this winter indoors with her. Besides, she thinks to herself that they'll always have the opportunity next winter to enjoy frolicking about in the woods.

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