A Mission

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As Mr. Trudeaux and Principal Davis remain conferring behind the counter, Nadine anxiously awaits an answer; coincidentally sitting on the same bench Adele sat on the first day of school, while Mr. Trudeaux 'enlisted' her into his Sociology class.

"I don't think so, Horace."

"Oh for Heaven's sake; why not?"

"Because Adele Wilson doesn't have the mindset for regular classes; let alone an entire course load of college prep courses. I'm sorry, Horace; but I'm afraid my answer has to be no."

"Come on, Michael; how do you know the girl doesn't have the mindset for the classes if you don't give her a chance? After all, she's taking my Sociology class now; and she's doing just splendidly in that."

Principal Davis gives him an incredulous look. "So; she's doing justsplendidly...in your class?"


"For your class project?"


He turns and looks at Nadine; then faces Mr. Trudeaux. "The 'class project' which entails Adele to be friends with Nadine for the school year?"

"That is correct."

"I see. Well; tell me something, Horace...besides being Nadine's friend...what else does Adele do in your class?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...does she do homework like all your other students? Take tests? Does she participate in class discussions?" Principal Davis watches as Mr. Trudeaux's belief in his assurance of Adele's 'splendid' academic performance in his class seems to quickly wither away. "What else do you require her to do in your class besides being Nadine's friend?"

As Mr. Trudeaux struggles in his mind to come up with a valid justification for his lenience regarding Adele's class participation, a look of nearly irrefutable defeat emerges upon his face. He now realizes that he himself has been just as culpable of neglecting to offer Adele Wilson a proper educational experience by only requiring her to participate in the class project; exempting her from partaking in the rest of the class curriculum.

"Well, Michael; I must shamefully admit...nothing. I, too, have thus far failed Ms. Wilson by not giving her the opportunity to prove herself capable of weathering academically based courses. And for that, I am regrettably sorry for doing so. But, I have every intention of rectifying that situation...effective as of tomorrow's class. So; what you say, Michael...are you willing to give the girl a chance to prove herself worthy of the challenge?"

Principal Davis takes a brief moment before responding, "I say...the answer's still no. I'm sorry, Horace; I agreed to let Adele be in your class for the project...but just how far do you want to take this little experiment of yours?"

"Actually, Michael; I've come with this proposal to you today on behalf of Ms. Martin...this was her idea; not mine."

Principal Davis looks to Nadine. "This was your idea, Nadine?"

Nadine gets up and walks to the counter. "Yes."


"Since we started; I've gotten to know Adele better...and we've become really good friends, Principal Davis; and it won't be just for Mr. Trudeaux's class project...but from now on until..."

Nadine becomes solemnly silent for a moment before continuing...

"Well...whenever. Principal Davis; Adele is the nicest, kindest, sweetest person that I've ever known..." There's an evident sudden angry inflection as she tells him, "and she doesn't deserve to be treated the way most people here treat her. I'm sure you must know about it...the teasing...the name calling...it's just not right!"

Nadine pauses to regain her composure.

"I just think that if people had the chance to get to know Adele...I mean, really get to know the truly wonderful person that I've discovered her to be...then they might stop tormenting her...and maybe even want to be her friend. I just want to help Adele be accepted...for people to know the real Adele Wilson; and not hold onto the misconception that they have about her now."

"Nadine; that sounds all well and good, but..."

"Please, Principal Davis..." she pauses briefly, then softly remarks, "just think of it as a dying girl's last request."

Both men suddenly appear lost; at which time, Nadine slowly pulls a note from her pocket and hesitantly hands it to Principal Davis. She informs him...

"I'm supposed to give this to you. It's a note from my doctor...my leukemia's back."

Mr. Trudeaux immediately sympathizes, "Oh, Ms. Martin; I truly am sorry."

"It's okay..."she shrugs her shoulders, "what can you do...it's just one of those things that happen, I suppose." She turns to the principal. "About Adele...can she please have classes with me, Principal Davis? I just want Adele to have the chance to be accepted. If I am going to die...I just need to know that people are going to treat her the way she deserves to be treated; even if I'm not around to look out for her. Please...let me do this for her."

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