The New Adele

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Come Monday morning, the students at Roosevelt High are all abuzz as Nadine accompanies the 'new' Adele, wearing what's considered to be amore fashionable outfit...coordinated by the same trio who oversaw her makeover...through the hallway before homeroom. Some are complimenting Adele directly; but most are making favorable comments about her new look amongst themselves.

As they pass by the 'Cool Crew' talking in front of Christy's locker, Adele's bedazzling recent transformation immediately catches Leah's attention.

" that Adele Wilson?"

Upon seeing her, Troy instantly appears impressed with Adele's new image. "Yeah... I think it is. Yo...she's pretty hot looking."

Frankie, still fuming over the punishment he and his fellow teammates are still enduring from the coach over the locker incident, refuses to give Adele any credit or compliment whatsoever; no matter how deserving she may be of it. He shoots Troy a disdainful look and, with much contempt in his tone, reminds him...

"Dude...that's the Retard you're talking about."

Still enchanted by her newly exhibited beauty, Troy dismisses Frankie's petty remarks and contends, "Maybe...but she's a hot retard."

Christy, who's also facing the repercussions of her plot against Nadine and Adele, and evidently miffed by all the attention Adele's receiving, slams her locker shut. She sneers while scornfully remarking...


Mr. Trudeaux's sitting at his desk grading papers as Nadine stops in the doorway and knocks on its frame. "Excuse me, Mr. Trudeaux; got a sec?"

He puts down the papers, folds his arms across his chest and leans back in his chair. "For you, Ms. Martin; always. What can I do for you?"

"There's somebody I'd like you to meet." She looks out to the hall. "Come on in."

Adele timidly enters; but still exhibits a hint of pride in her new look. "Hi, Mr. Trudeaux." She anxiously inquires, "What do you think?"

Mr. Trudeaux musters all his restraint to mask any visible displaying of admiration over her new look while pretending to be oblivious. "What do I think about what, Adele?"

Adele's a little befuddled, and starting to feel a bit hurt, as she looks to him bewilderingly while softly speaking, " makeover. Missy...Corrine...Nadine's sister, Corrine...her friend Missy did it the other night. Don't you think I'm pretty now?"

Realizing that his intended harmless façade was causing some apparent distress to Adele, he immediately puts an end to the charade and reveals his true assessment of her makeover. Mr. Trudeaux smiles, gets up and walks over to Adele; placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Do I think you're pretty now? Ms. Wilson; you have always been a beautiful young lady." He pauses, as a blushing Adele looks down to the floor, then back up; with a shy smile starting to grow across her face. "But now, Ms. are truly stunning."

He removes his hands from her shoulders and returns to his desk; while Adele's smile expands exponentially.

"Thank you, Mr. Trudeaux." She turns to Nadine. "I wanna go show Mrs. Newman now. You coming, Nadine?"

" a minute. I just need to talk to Mr. Trudeaux about something real quick. I'll meet you there; okay?"

"Okay." She turns to Mr. Trudeaux. "Bye, Mr. Trudeaux."

"Goodbye, Adele."

Adele leaves; and he resumes grading the papers. Nadine silently watches him for a brief moment before speaking up.

"Mr. Trudeaux; can I ask you something?"

Without looking up from the papers, he replies, "Of course; what's on your mind, Ms. Martin?"

"I was just wondering...did you know?"

He looks up at her. "Did I know what?"

"Adele and me...when you paired us together...did you do it because you knew that we'd really become friends?"

Mr. Trudeaux folds his arms across his chest, leans back and explains, "I knew...that out of all the students here at Roosevelt, Ms. Martin, would be the one capable of perceiving Ms. Wilson as the truly special individual that she is."

"She is...she's wonderful. She's a great friend. The best friend I ever had. Thank you for bringing us together, Mr. Trudeaux." She pauses momentarily before somberly adding, "I just wish that we got together we'd have more time together before I..."

Nadine becomes solemnly silent.

Disregarding any risk of possibly seeming callous to her situation...which certainly isn't the case...Mr. Trudeaux feels obliged to tell her, "Ms. Martin; forgive me if what I'm about to say sounds rather cold...believe me, that's not my intention...but time is not a luxury that you have. I know you realize this; you admitted it yourself...when you told Principal Davis to think of your request as one from a dying girl."

He waits for an acknowledgement from her. She nods; then he continues...

"Don't waste what precious moments you have left lamenting over regrets. Enjoy your friendship now with Adele. Treasure it...take delight in every second you spend with her, Nadine." He comfortingly takes her hand in his. "As they would once proclaim back in Julius Caesar's time..."Carpe diem"...seize the day. Seize them while you still can, Ms. Martin."

Nadine doesn't find anything about what he said to be cold at all; but instead, she's deeply touched by his heartfelt and caring sagely advice. She appreciatively throws her arms around Mr. Trudeaux.

At first, he's not quite sure how to respond, and remains motionless; looking down upon her kerchief adorned head. But after a few seconds of standing there, feeling her diminutively frail body affectionately pressed against him as two evidently bony arms tenderly wrap around his waist hugging him, a lump begins to form in his throat; and he begins to ask in his mind, "Why, God...why take away the good ones so soon?" Then he slowly moves his arms around her to give her a hug; using one of his hands to gently pat her back while doing so.

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