Class Schedule

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Mr. Horace Trudeaux is one of the select few that Adele feels comfortable communicating with. Maybe it's because, like herself, Mr. Trudeaux speaks differently than everyone else at school...him originally hailing from England. And since they find themselves in the same predicament; perhaps she views him as sort of a kindred soul. But no; it's more than likely the fact that unlike most everyone else at school, the others on her 'select few' list...shows her genuine kindness and respect.

Sipping his beverage of choice, Earl Grey tea, from his favorite mug, Mr. Trudeaux's leaning against his classroom's doorframe; mulling over what had just transpired at Adele's locker merely moments ago. He watches Nadine as she rounds the hallway's corner, and then looks back towards Adele.

With all her belongings returned into the backpack, Adele's back on her feet; rigidly standing in place with her forehead pressed against her locker, sighing. She's waiting for everyone to be on their way.

Once the hallway clears, Adele looks around, takes in a deep breath and proceeds down the corridor. She's met by Mr. Trudeaux.

"Good morning, Adele."

"Good morning, Mr. Trudeaux."

"Ready for another school year, Ms. Wilson?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's good. And where are we off to now?"

"Basic Math class."

"Basic Math? But that's a course you should have taken your first year. You're just taking it now in your third year?"

"'s my third year taking it."

"Excuse me? Third year? So, you haven't passed the course yet, Ms. Wilson?"

"No, sir; Mr. Trudeaux...I mean yes, sir...I passed it both times before."

He appears a bit perplexed. "Really? Adele; may I see your class schedule a moment, please?"


She briefly fishes through her backpack looking for it. When Adele finds the schedule, she hands it to him; pointing out on the paper as to vindicate herself...

"See...Basic Math."

Looking down upon her schedule, "Yes; I see. Basic Math; P.E.; Reading Comprehension..." he looks up at Adele, "And I suppose...after having passed it twice before...this is your third time taking this class as well, Ms. Wilson?"

Adele nods. He looks back at the schedule.

"Music Appreciation; Lunch; Home Economics...and Study Hall the rest of the day."

After reviewing her so-called course load, Mr. Trudeaux has come to the disturbing realization that it only wasn't the students at the high school who were being unjust to Adele Wilson; for the school system itself was doing a great disservice to her as well. By arbitrarily and solely assigning her these remedial and elective courses...excluding her from the more academically based ones because of her slight 'mental condition'...they are systematically depriving her the opportunity for obtaining a real education.

While standing there, scrutinizing over Adele's schedule wondering what he can do to set things right, Nadine suddenly pops into his mind; and the proverbial light bulb glows brightly above his head.

"Adele; would you be kind enough to accompany me to the office? I need to speak with Principal Davis about..."

Suddenly believing that she's somehow in trouble, Adele instantly becomes frightened and cuts him off. "Principal Davis...why? Am I in trouble? I'm sorry for whatever I did, Mr. Trudeaux. I..."

He gently takes hold of her shoulders and attempts to put her mind at ease. "No, no, my dear Adele, relax; you're not in any trouble. Allow me to explain. I'm in need of assistance; and I can really use your help."

Adele's stupefied. " help?"

"Yes; if you wouldn't mind."

Totally amazed over this morning's events...first, Nadine Martin knowing her name; and now, Mr. Trudeaux asking for her help...Adele quickly shakes her head.

"Fine then; shall we go?"

Still a little apprehensive, Adele inquires one last time, "'m not in trouble?"

Mr. Trudeaux smiles. "No, Adele; you're not in trouble."

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