And The Band Doesn't Play On

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Ever since that night when Corrine had rescued her from her locker imprisonment and revealed the secret, Adele has slowly started getting back on track; becoming slightly less introverted, and finding it a little easier to once again communicate with others more readily. Of course, she had instantly opened up and reconnected with Nadine. And when she returned to school, Adele began participating in class again and partook in the conversations at their table during lunch.

However, this all didn't occur until Nadine had returned to school. Estelle decided that under the circumstances, it was best to keep Adele from going to school until Nadine was back there and able to look out for her granddaughter. So, in the meantime, Adele spent most of her time at the Martins keeping the bedridden Nadine company. This pleased Nadine tremendously; and possibly even helped her make an even speedier recovery from her cold than anticipated. And witnessing that pleased Corrine tremendously.

Though still in a bit of a weakened state from her recent illness, at the very first opportunity, Nadine managed to summon up enough strength to scornfully blast Christy and Frankie for what they did to Adele during her absence. The initial response was that they just laughed in her face; and then Christy turned to Adele and shamelessly taunted...

"You know, Adele; you really should cut back on the juice boxes until you're able to hold your liquids a little better."

Nadine had never thought of ever hitting another person before in her life; but at that moment, she had a strong, yearning desire to lash out and strike Christy Rosenberg right there on the spot. It took whatever strength she had left to subdue her aggressive urge and refrain from following through on the impulse. Instead, Nadine wrapped her arm consolingly around Adele's shoulder...who was clearly looking embarrassed from that cruelly belittling remark maliciously delivered to her; with thei ntent for everyone in earshot standing in the hallway at that time to hear...and started to walk her to her next class; leaving Christy and her cohorts behind insensitively snickering at them.

If there was one thing Christy and Frankie never exhibit, it's any remorse over the shabbily way they treat those they deem as being beneath them; especially when the person being targeted is Adele Wilson. They relish in the prospect to agonize this poor girl; and view their latest escapade as a total success. Besides having made Adele spend an entire day in an uncomfortably tight confinement, while at the same time suffering from the demeaning position of having to wet herself since she wasn't able to get to a bathroom, and enrage Nadine in the process...this being more enjoyable for Christy...they're also smugly patting themselves on the back for seemingly having gotten away with committing this unscrupulous deed without having to face any form of punishment whatsoever.

Despite the intensive imploring from both Nadine and Corrine for her to report what they had done, Adele refused to tell Principal Davis about how Frankie and several of his teammates had imprisoned her in the locker. Even Estelle, who wanted to call the principal the very next morning after the incident, gave into her granddaughter's wish to just let the whole thing go. Adele desires to avoid any type of confrontational situation whenever possible; and she didn't want to stir things up by turning Frankie and the others into Principal Davis. So, because of her aversion for conflict, Christy and Frankie are about to once again get away with torturing Adele scot-free...or so they think.

Eddie Cooper, who heard about the locker incident through the 'grapevine', and had also bear witness to Nadine's chastising of the 'Cool Crew', has decided payback was in order; and that he will be the one responsible for seeing to that it is administered. And even though Eddie does like Adele...seeing her as a very good person who definitely didn't deserve to have that done to her; and believes that some form of retribution was required on her behalf...just like in Corrine's case, with part of it being done for Adele, he, too, is chiefly doing this out of his devotion for Nadine.

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