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On the way back to her house, Nadine's been filling Adele in on about her discussion with Principal Davis earlier that day. Adele seems a bit awestruck over the matter.

"So...I'm gonna have real classes?"

"Yup. Just as soon as Principal Davis sets it up with my teachers."

Adele's face begins to beam from burgeoning pride. "Then...I'll be just like a regular student?"


"Wow...a regular student...with real classes." After saying that aloud, Adele instantly becomes plagued by a sensation of trepidation; and a sudden look of uncertainty comes across her face. "But...do you really think I should take real classes? I'm not smart enough, Nadine. I don't think I can do it."

Nadine turns to Adele and takes her hands. "Adele Wilson...you are smart enough... and you are capable to do just about anything you want to do. And yes...I really think you should take real classes."

Upon hearing the expressed confidence that Nadine has in her, Adele appreciatively smiles. Nadine smiles back to her.


Adele nods. "Okay."

Nadine happens to glance off to her side; and a sudden look of pleasant surprise overtakes her face as she happily exults, "Oh my God...it's Corrine! What's she doing here?"

"Who's Corrine?"

"My sister. Come on."

Nadine releases one of Adele's hands, while tightening her grip on the other, and enthusiastically races down the sidewalk; pulling Adele behind her. Corrine, who was leaning against her parked jeep, starts to walk towards the charging Nadine.

Nadine releases Adele's hand and rushes into Corrine; joyously throwing her arms around her sister. Corrine has to slightly struggle to maneuver her arms out of Nadine's grasp so she could hug her back.

"Cor...you're here. I can't believe it."

"Yeah, well...Mom called and..." Corrine gazes upon Nadine, exuding an abundance of loving concern through her eyes. "How are you doing, Na? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." She whispers, "Do me a favor...don't mention the 'you know what' in front of Adele...she doesn't know about it yet."

Regardless of being unaware about whom she's referring to, Corrine willingly agrees to oblige Nadine. "Sure; fine...whatever."

The sisters release their embrace, and Nadine turns to introduce Corrine to Adele.

"Cor; this is Adele..." she smiles at Adele, "my best friend."

Overwhelmed, Adele shoots her eyes down to the ground as a radiant smile expands across her countenance. She softly replies...

"You're my best friend, too; Nadine." With the smile still beaming across her face, Adele looks back up at Nadine; then turns to Corrine and gives her a hug. "It's very nice to meet you, Corrine."

At first, Corrine's a little taken aback by Adele's forwardly affection. "Uh...nice to meet you, too?"

But once Adele releases her hold and delivers a kindhearted smile...combined with her genuine loving sincerity which she naturally emits to those she instinctively bonds with...

Corrine immediately relaxes; and a smile is instantly evoked back at Adele.

Nadine inquires, "So; have you been inside yet?"

Corrine mildly scoffs, "Are you kidding...me and Mom together; alone?"

"I think Dad's home today...so technically, the two of you wouldn't have been alone together."

"Yeah; well...I don't think Dad would've appreciated being stuck alone with us together much either."

Nadine wraps her arm under Corrine's and starts to lead her towards their house. "Come on, sis; let's go in."

Cheryl...who's been watching out the window ever since Corrine pulled up...quickly closes the curtain, hurries to the couch and sits next to David. "They're coming in now."

David folds down one corner of the newspaper in his hands and looks to Cheryl. "Try to behave."

He folds the corner back up and continues reading. She shoots him an icy look and defensively asks...

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Not looking at her, David starts to answer, ""It means..."

The girls enter the living room, and Nadine apprehensively announces, "Uh; Dad...Mom...look who's here. It's Cor."

David puts down the paper, goes over to Corrine and starts hugging her; while Cherylremains seated on the couch.

"Hey, honey; welcome home." He releases his hug and turns to Cheryl. "Look, hon... it's Corrine...our daughter...coming back for..." he faces Corrine, "a visit? Or maybe... to move back?"

"Just a visit, Dad."

He disappointedly replies, "Well...I suppose a visit is better than nothing. Right; Cheryl?"

Cheryl quips in a blasé manner, "Sure...whatever."

Corrine, lacking feeling in her delivery, tersely addresses Cheryl, "Hey, Mom."

Cheryl responds, equally emotionless, "Hey."

An uneasy silence befalls the room. Feeling uncomfortable by the evident tension between mother and daughter, Adele, in a fashion unlike her usual soft spoken mannerism, blurts out...

"Hello..."she instantly lowers her voice, "Mr. and Mrs. Martin."

Cheryl looks to Adele and warmly acknowledges, "Hello, Adele; honey...how are you?"

"Fine, thankyou."

"That's good."

Showing perturbation in her voice, Corrine sharply interjects, "I'm fine, too...Mom."

Still facing Adele, Cheryl distantly replies, "That's good." Then, after a brief moment, she faces Corrine and asks, "So...how long will you be in town this time?"

"I'm not sure yet..." she looks to Nadine, "it depends on how long Na wants me to, I guess."

Cheryl gets up from the couch and starts towards the kitchen. "Well...it's nice to see that you came back to finally be here for your sister."

The remark instantly disconcerts Corrine to her core. She angrily snaps...

"I've always been there for Nadine...Mother."

Cheryl, feeling somewhat regretful over her last unsubstantiated comment, immediately stops and concedes, "You're right...you have. I'm sorry."

David gently pats Corrine on her back; then walks over to Cheryl and places his arm behind her back. "Listen...Nadine; Corrine...why don't you girls go out back and have a little catch-up chat. Adele...I hear you like strawberry ice cream?"

"Yes I do, Mr. Martin, sir."

He lightheartedly informs her, "Well; it just so happens that we've recently liberated a half gallon of strawberry ice cream from the store. How would you like to join me and Mrs. Martin in the kitchen for a bowl of it?"

Adele enthusiastically accepts the offer. "I'd like that very much, Mr. Martin, sir. Thank you."

Keeping his hand placed upon her back, David starts to lead Cheryl towards the kitchen; then looks back to Adele. "Well...come on then."

 Adele happily follows.

Nadine and AdeleWhere stories live. Discover now