Promises Kept

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Adele had just set two records at school this afternoon. First, she was the first student ever to receive an apology from Frankie Kowalski. Second, word of their confrontation was the fastest travelling 'buzz' in the history of all Roosevelt High gossip. By the time she exited the building, more than half of the student body and faculty had heard about the 'David versus Goliath' showdown.

She's halfway down the walkway when Sarah, Trish and Janice come running out of the school after her. Sarah shouts...

"Adele; wait up!"

Adele stops and waits for them to catch up to her.

Sarah asks,  "Are you alright?"


"We just heard what happened."

Trish praises, "Way to go, girl...sticking up to Frankie like that. Everyone's already talking about it."

Janice informs her, "For're a celebrity here now, Adele."

Adele appears baffled. "Why?"

Janice explains, "Because you put that jerk Frankie in his place."

Sarah tells her, "Nadine would really be proud of you, Adele. Not that she already wasn't...but she would've loved this."

The girls become silent for a brief moment, as they think of Nadine; trying to picture how she might have looked watching Adele tell off Frankie. Meanwhile, Adele looks to the ground and smiles. Then she looks backup to Sarah and asks...

"You think so?"

"No...I know so."

Trish says, "Hey; Adele, we're going to the wanna go?"

"Actually...I kinda have plans to go out for pizza..." She turns and points out Corrine to them; who's leaning against her jeep parked at the curb. "But you guys could come with us...if you want to. I don't think Corrine would mind."

Sarah responds, "Sure."

Trish answers, "Yeah."

Janice replies, "I never could say no to pizza."

They walk over to Corrine, and Adele asks, "Corrine...can Sarah, Trish and Janice come with us to the pizza parlor?"

"Sure; I don't see why not."

Sarah remarks, "So...I didn't know you were still in town, Corrine."

"Yeah...I think I'll be around for a while."

Janice asks, "How long?"

Corrine starts to recall part of the conversation she had with Nadine after Adele and Sarah left for the prom...

"Cor...I need you to do me a favor."

"Sure, Na; what is it?"

"When I die...and I'm gone...I want you to think of Adele...not like she was just my best friend...or even your friend. I need you to think of her...well...think of her kinda a niece. Do you know what I mean? It's really important to me that you understand what I'm saying."

Corrine understood what Nadine was trying to tell her. There was no doubt in her mind then as to just how truly special Adele was to Nadine; how much she meant to her sister. And, at that moment, Corrine had taken Adele even deeper into her own heart as well. Corrine realized that night that they...her parents...her and Nadine...and Adele and Estelle...were now indeed all family. And they would remain family for the rest of their lives; even long after Nadine was gone.

She looks at Adele and smiles. "For as long as I have to."

Janice inquires, "Have to what?"

Corrine wants to drop the subject. " you guys want to go get pizza now, or what?"

Sarah agrees, "Yeah...let's go. We'll meet up with you and Adele there. Come on Janice, Trish."

They head for the parking lot; while Corrine and Adele get ready to get in the jeep. But, just before entering, Corrine suddenly remembers...

"Oh; by the way..." Corrine starts walking around the jeep heading for Adele while pulling something out of her pocket; keeping it concealed in her closed fist. "Nadine wanted you to have this."

Corrine places the antique necklace and locket that Adele gave Nadine for Christmas in her hand. Adele looks confounded; she was under the impression that Nadine had been buried with it. Corrine explains...

"She wanted you to have it it would stay in your family." Adele remains looking down upon it as Corrine informs her, "I would have given it back to you sooner..." she smiles, "but I needed to make a little adjustment to it."

Adele looks at Corrine; who finishes by telling her...

"I hope you like it."

Corrine walks back around to the driver's side and gets in. Adele looks down and begins examining the locket.

She sees no difference in its appearance on the outside from what she can remember; so, she opens it to check inside. A beaming smile expands across her face. Next to the picture of her mother, in the other half of the locket, is a photo of Nadine. 

 She slowly closes the locket and, while lovingly holding it in both hands at the clasp where the locket and necklace attach, raises it to her mouth and tenderly kisses it.

Then she enters the jeep; and, Corrine and Adele drive off together...for the first of many times to come.

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