The Wilson-Martin Junior Prom

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Nadine really wishes she could be at the prom; and she's feeling a bit depressed that she wasn't able to go with Adele and the rest of her friends. She's listlessly lying in bed staring at, but not paying attention to, the TV; trying to envision in her mind how wonderful the prom must be...and that at least hopefully Adele's enjoying herself there. Nadine can't wait for Adele to come over tomorrow afternoon and tell her, in great detail, all about it.

Corrine enters. "How you doing, Na?"

Nadine answers with a monotonic inflection, "Okay, I suppose."

"Hey; you've been cooped up in this room all day...what do you say we go out back? You up for a little fresh air?"

"Sure...why not."

"Good...come on."

The moment Corrine and Missy walk her out the back door, Nadine's face lights up from delightful surprise.

The yard's adorned with surplus prom decorations and food appropriated by Adele and the gang. Present in attendance; Adele, Sarah, Trish, Janice, Eddie, Hector, Mr. Trudeaux, Mrs. Newman and about thirty-plus other students from their Junior class.

A pleasantly stunned Nadine asks, "What's going on?"

Adele exuberantly tells her, "It's prom, Nadine."


Mr. Trudeaux explains, "Well; Ms. Wilson strongly believes that you should have been in attendance at the prom. And being how you had failed to come..." He extends his arm out and slowly moves it about to point out, "We have brought the prom to you."

This was the first time Nadine noticed Mr. Trudeaux standing there. "Mr. Trudeaux? I can't believe you're here."

"And, why wouldn't I?" He turns and looks to Adele while smiling. "One would be quite foolish to miss out on one of Ms. Wilson's soirees."

Now, Mrs. Newman makes her presence known. "And, I'm sure it's going to be a real humdinger of a party."

"Oh my God, Mrs. Newman; you're here, too?"

"You betcha...I wouldn't miss it for the world." She tenderly takes hold of Nadine's hands. "How are you doing, sweet pea?"

Nadine begins to laugh and cry at the same time, " I can't believe you all did this for me."

Janice informs her, " was all Adele's idea."

Not being one who looks to take all the credit; Adele quickly admits, "But all of you helped."

Trish, responding just as quickly as Adele did, emphasizes, "Yeah...but, you made it happen; Adele."

Nadine immediately wraps her around Adele; and they hug.

"Why did you go through all this trouble for me?"

"I figured it wasn't right for you not to go to prom while the rest of us did. I just wanted you to have a prom, Nadine; that's all."

Overwhelmed and deeply touched by this amazing gesture, tears slowly begin to trickle from the corners of Nadine's eyes as she endearingly clenches onto Adele and whispers in her ear, "Thank you so much, Adele."

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