Final Grades

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The Monday following the funeral, Mr. Trudeaux's sitting behind his desk grading papers, when Adele quietly enters. Upon hearing approaching footsteps, he looks up and notices her.

"Why, hello there, Ms. Wilson; how are you doing?"

She shrugs her shoulders slightly; then, softly answers, "Okay...I guess."

"That's good to hear."

He looks at her while she stands there remaining quiet. After a short period of silence, he inquires...

"Is there something I can do for you, Adele?"

She hesitantly informs him, "I...I just came by to say goodbye, Mr. Trudeaux."

He leans back in his chair and folds his arms across his chest. "Say goodbye ,Ms. Wilson?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Trudeaux...I won't be coming to your class no more...or Mrs. Newman's."

"And may I ask why not?"

Adele takes a brief moment before answering, "Because, Nadine's dead,, I suppose I shouldn't be staying in your classes. She got me in real classes to be with her; and now that she's gone...well; there ain't no reason for me to be in them anymore."

"I see." He gets up, walks around to the front of the desk and sits on it. "First of all, Ms. Wilson...if you recall...I was the one who selected you to be in my class...not Nadine."

Adele thinks a little before pointing out, "Yeah...but that was so I could help you with your class project...which was to be friends with Nadine. And now she's..." A melancholic expression overtakes her countenance; and she becomes quiet for a brief moment before somberly telling him, "I can't finish the project, Mr. Trudeaux...she's not here anymore."

Mr. Trudeaux tells her, "Oh; but, you have finished the project, Ms. Wilson. Would you care to know your grade?"

Adele looks down to the floor, then back up at Mr. Trudeaux and nods.

He informs her, "You received an A, Ms. Wilson."

Adele instantly appears stunned; displaying a fully agape mouth as she slightly stammers, " A? I...I never got an A before."

"Well; you got one now."

"But; how?"

Mr. Trudeaux stands and moves in closer to Adele. "Ms. Wilson...the assignment was to be friends with a classmate. You received an A...not just because you were Nadine's friend...but you, Ms. Wilson, were a true friend. Do you know the difference... between just being a friend...and being a true friend, Ms. Wilson?"

Adele slowly shakes her head. Mr. Trudeaux explains...

"Ms. Wilson; it's fairly easy to be someone's friend while all is right in the world... but, a true friend...they stand by your side even during the darkest of times. When everyone else...including your other so-called friends...find it too difficult to stick around...a true friend alone will never abandon you; but, rather, stand beside matter what. 

 That, Ms. Wilson, was what you did. You were there for Nadine when she needed a friend the most. During her most difficult time in life...her impending death... you stood beside her to the very end. In her greatest time of need, you, Ms. Wilson, were the one person that she could count on...that she could rely on to always be there for her. I know for a fact that you always fulfilled that expectation of hers. And that...Ms. how you got an A. You earned it, Adele."

Adele smiles. Mr. Trudeaux smiles back.

"You're doing well in my class, Ms. Wilson. And from what I understand, you're also doing very good in Mrs. Newman's class. So good in fact, that it's my understanding that she has already spoken with Principal Davis about having you in her English class for next year. And, I also heard talk of other teachers here who have agreed to take you in their classes as well." 

 He pauses; then points out, "There's only a little over a month left in the school year, Adele. It would be a real shame to stop now; don't you think?"

Not sure how to feel about this, Adele apathetically looks to the floor and shrugs her shoulders. Mr. Trudeaux makes one last attempt to appeal to her.

"And, besides...I truly believe that Nadine would want you to continue on, Adele."

Adele gradually lifts her head up to look at him; then gently bites down on her lower lip. He places his hand on her shoulder.

"Just think a little more about it before making your decision, Ms. Wilson; okay?"

Adele slowly nods. "Okay, Mr. Trudeaux...I will."

"Very good." Mr. Trudeaux removes his hand from her shoulder; then sits back down on his desk. "Now...just one more thing, Ms. Wilson...if I may. It is true...sadly... Nadine is dead, Adele. But, she isn't gone. And, do you know why I say that; Ms. Wilson?"

Adele nods. "Because if I think about her..." Adele puts her finger to her temple, "I'll always be able to see her. My Grandma already told me that, Mr. Trudeaux."

"Well, Ms. Wilson; your grandmother was certainly correct about that. But I was talking about something else." Mr. Trudeaux goes to Adele, gently grasps her wrist and moves it to position her hand onto her chest over her heart. "Here; Ms. Wilson. You keep Nadine your heart...and she will always be with you."

He releases Adele's wrist, leaving her hand in place. Adele looks down to her hand and gently bites down on her lip; then looks back to Mr. Trudeaux and smiles. Mr. Trudeaux gives her a quick nod; then sits down behind his desk and resumes grading the papers.

Adele slowly heads for the door; keeping her hand pressed against her chest. She stops on the doorway, gradually removes her hand from her chest and turns to face Mr. Trudeaux.

"Mr. Trudeaux?"

"Yes, Ms. Wilson?"

"What did Nadine get...for the project?"

"She received an A as well."

"An A?"

"Yes; of course. Why...was she not a good enough friend to deserving of an A?"

Adele remains quiet; looking as if she were in deep contemplation. After a moment of this, Adele finally responds by slowly shaking her head.

Mr. Trudeaux appears a bit confounded. "No? Well, then; Ms. Wilson...what grade do you think I should have given her?"

"An A++."

"An A++? Are you sure, Ms. Wilson?"

She immediately answers, with full conviction evident in her tone, "Yes."

Mr. Trudeaux opens his grade. "Very well then..." he jots down in the book while announcing, "an A++ it is."

He looks up to Adele and smiles. She smiles back and nods; then, leaves.

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