The Best Thing

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Estelle's starting to load the dishwasher in the Martin's kitchen, when Nadine enters; still tenderly caressing the gift Adele gave her mere moments ago. She pensively watches Estelle arranging the dishes in the machine a few minutes before speaking up.

"Mrs. Wilson?"

Estelle continues loading the dishwasher. "Yes, Nadine?"

"I don't want you to worry."

She stops and turns to face Nadine. "Worry about what, child?"

"The necklace...leaving your family..."

Estelle turns back and resumes loading the dishwasher. "Oh don't you mind that. I ain't bothered none; if that's what's troubling your mind."

"But it belongs in your's Adele's...and..."

"And she gave it to you." Estelle faces Nadine. "And she must really want you to have it. You know how I know that?"


"Because that there locket and necklace is the only thing Adele has left from her mama. And Adele loves her mama. She don't know her none...but she love her." Estelle turns and resumes loading the dishwasher. "So; if she gave it to you...then she must really want you to have it."

Nadine fondly looks down upon the locket in silence for a brief moment.

"Yeah; well...I still don't think it's right to be outside of your family. I'll take it for now...since Adele insists that I keep it...but when I die; I'll have it in my will that she gets it back. Okay?"

Estelle somberly shakes her head and quietly mutters to herself, "No..." She goes to Nadine, takes her by the hands and walks her over to the table. "Nadine...sit down."

Nadine sits; immediately followed by Estelle. She patiently waits as Estelle appears to be taking a moment in thought.

" husband...Adele's you know how he died?"


"Well...he died from stomach cancer, Nadine. Now, I know a little something about the cancer, child. It's an ugly, hard, relentless disease...and it's scary. And I know that sometimes it may only make sense at some point to accept that you may gonna die from make it a little easier to deal with. My Joe did...towards the end. I know it helps..." Estelle pauses briefly. "But do this old lady one small favor, Nadine...don't give up hope just yet. Don't...don't give in to this disease so easy now. I realize it don't look too promising maybe...but just don't give up hope."

"Mrs. Wilson...I can hope all I want...but the reality is...I'm not going to be able to beat it."

There's another brief lull in their conversation as Estelle thinks. She decides to take a different approach in hopes of inspiring Nadine not to give up.

"Nadine...Adele never had any friends growing know that; right?"

Nadine nods.

"Nobody was ever willing to give her a chance to..."

Though not her intention of doing so, Estelle has inadvertently made Nadine feel guilty for not befriending Adele sooner; and she starts to apologize... 

"Mrs. Wilson; I'm sorry that..."

"Now let me finish, child." Estelle lovingly takes Nadine's hands in hers. "No one ever give her a chance...'til you. You gave her a chance...and you two became friends...

really good friends." Estelle begins tearing up. "You the best thing that ever happen to Adele, Nadine. The best thing. And this may sound selfish of me...but I don't want to see that taken away from my grandbaby. I couldn't bear that. She couldn't..."

Estelle lets goof Nadine's hands, stands up and wipes away the tears. She takes a moment to get hold of her composure.

"So; don't you go giving up hope, Nadine Martin...because you'se got a whole bunch of folk around here who love ya...and we'se depending on you to be around for a long, long time." Estelle walks back to the dishwasher and resumes loading it. " lookin' a bit tired, go inside and git you some rest."

Estelle turns around and finds Nadine endearingly smiling at her. Nadine goes to Estelle, tenderly wraps her arms around her waist and lays the side of her head on her chest.

"I love you, Mrs. Wilson...I wish you were my grandmother, too."

Estelle gently pats Nadine's head, and speaks to her like she would talk to Adele; with a whole pot of love, and just a pinch of cynicism added to keep her heart from breaking. "Well; don't you go wasting your wishes all willy-nilly now on things you  don't need wishin' for. If ya want me to be your grandma...then I'll be your grandma."

They look and smile at each other. Estelle slowly spins Nadine around and lightlyspanks her on the butt.

"Now git goin' and get some rest, girl."

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