Amber Alert

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"Dispatch to all units...just received a call of a possible child abduction at the Kirkwood Mall. All available units in the area proceed immediately to the mall... Code 2."

Nadine's been home sick again the past week; so, as usual, Adele's on her way over to keep her company.

Adele always has to walk down Grove Drive on her way over to the Martin's. She can't miss the opportunity to pass by the O'Reilly residence. Adele isn't acquainted with the O'Reilly's personally, but she's very fond of their yard's greatest attribute; the town's oldest oak tree. It's massive in size, both in width and height; majestically towering in front of their house. And, though she's more impressed of its sight during the fall season, when its leaves turn a brilliant array of various shades of browns, oranges and reds; Adele appreciates its magnificent presence every time she soaks in its grand view.

Though at times it may take her a little longer to process incoming information, there are those moments when her mind becomes highly astute of her surroundings...especially those which she's normally familiar with...and Adele can immediately tell when something's just not quite right. Right now, Adele's experiencing one of those moments.

She's passed by their place every day this week, and every day their car's been gone and newspapers have been amassing at their front door. Adele made the correct assumption that the O'Reilly's were away. But today, there's an unfamiliar blue van parked in the driveway; and she notices that the curtains hanging in one of the windows on the side of the house occasionally move ever so slightly every time a breeze stirs up. She can't stop feeling that something's definitely wrong at the O'Reilly place.

Adele suddenly recalls seeing a police officer a couple of blocks back at Hollister Park talking with people there; so she cuts today's visit at the oak tree short and quickly hurries back to the park.

The police officer's getting ready to enter his patrol car as Adele comes running up. "Excuse me, Mr. Policeman, sir...hi, my name is Adele Wilson."

"Adele Wilson?'re Joe and Estelle's granddaughter; right?"

"Yeah...well, Estelle's...I mean, Grandma' Grandpa Joe died a few years ago..." Adele becomes quiet; looking sad.

The officer expresses his sympathy. "Yes...I know. I was sorry to hear that when it happened. Your grandpa was a good man."

"Thank you." Adele becomes silent again.

He waits a brief moment for her to speak up; but when she doesn't, he asks, "Was there something you wanted, Adele?"

She remembers, "Oh yeah; right...I think there's something wrong at the O'Reilly's"

"The O'Reilly's?"

"Yes, sir...they live a few blocks down on Grove Drive. They have that wonderful, big oak tree in their front yard."

"Yeah; I know the place. Why do you think something's wrong there?"

"Well...the O'Reilly's...they have a small, red car; and it hasn't been there all week...and now there's a blue van in their driveway."

The officer reasons, "Maybe they bought a new car."

"Maybe..."Adele ponders the possibility for a second or two before bringing up, "but there's a window open on the side of their house with the curtains closed. It's such a nice day out today; so why don't the O'Reilly's have more windows open...and, why keep the curtains closed?"

Now the officer begins to consider Adele's points. He opens the patrol car's door and radios to Dispatch...

"Dispatch, this is Unit 38; the vehicle that witnesses saw speed away from the parking lot just before the call was made about the child abduction...what was the description given of it? Over."

"Unit 38, be advised, vehicle in question was reported as being a mid-sized Cargo van; either dark blue or green in color. Over."

"Copy that. Dispatch, be advised, have possible sighting of the vehicle. Have back up units meet me at 317 Grove Drive. My E.T.A. to scene is about three minutes. Over."

"Unit 38, Dispatch copy. Having back up units sent to 317 Grove Drive. Over."

Before closing the door, he tells Adele, "Adele; head back over to Grove Drive...but stay back at the end of the block and wait there until I come get you; okay?"


Adele watches the patrol car drive down the street, then starts meandering her way back to Grove Drive.

About half an hour later the suspects were in custody, and the kidnapped infant was being taken back to her panic stricken family. The officer had taken Adele along with him for this special delivery.

Extreme feelings of relief and elation quickly overtake the household as the officer enters the house carrying the child in his arms. Little Elizabeth VanCleef is back home safe and sound.

Those former tears of fret and anxiety previously streaming down her face are now replaced by tears of exuberant joy as Leah adoringly embraces her baby sister. She's in the midst of thankfully welcoming her sister's return when she happens to notice Adele standing in the doorway. Though she remains mostly excited over Elizabeth being back, Leah's suddenly puzzled by Adele's presence; and appears a bit perturbed over it.

"What are you doing here, Freak?"

The officer, who's been speaking with her parents, overhears Leah and quickly turns around to emphatically inform her, "Her name is Adele Wilson. And the so-called 'freak', as you put it...just so you the reason why you're holding your sister in your arms right now."

Leah's totally perplexed. "I...I don't understand...what do you mean?"

"I mean; Miss Wilson's the one who spotted Elizabeth's abductors' vehicle parked in the O'Reilly's driveway...the only one. Nobody else had paid attention enough to realize that a strange vehicle was sitting out in front of their house all these hours. Or that there was a side window open. 

 Our guess is they were planning on holding up there until they felt things settled down enough for them to slip away. They probably might have, too; if Adele hadn't noticed that something didn't look right at the O'Reilly place and reported it to me."

A demonstratively repentant look overtakes Leah's countenance; and, she's instantly shamed by not only just what she's said moments ago, but for every mean word spoken and action she's taken against Adele over all these years.

Not quite ready to put her sister down yet, Leah carries Elizabeth lovingly cradled in her arms as she walks over to Adele. Keeping hold of Elizabeth in one arm, Leah slowly extends a trembling hand out and appreciatively takes hold of one of Adele's hands.

"I'm so sorry, Adele. Thank you...thank you so much."

Leah gradually pulls her hand from Adele's, then affectionately cradles Elizabeth again with both arms and tenderly kisses her on top of her small head. She turns around and walks back to the living room.

Adele remains standing in the doorway, happily smiling as she watches the siblings' reunion continue. She's somewhat proud of herself; knowing how she had a small part in helping the police locate the kidnappers and have Elizabeth returned to her family. And though she's truly gratified over the apology and thank you, Adele's most deeply touched by the fact that for the first time ever in their entire acquaintance Leah had finally referred to her as Adele; and not 'Freak'.

From that day on, though she remained co-captain on the cheerleading squad, Leah VanCleef began to disassociate herself from the 'Cool Crew'; leaving the position of Christy Rosenberg's 'lapdog' open for someone else who was willing to blindly follow her commands.

And also from that day on, in Leah's eyes, the 'Freak' was gone forever. Every time she would pass by her at school, or see her intown...although she wouldn't hold a conversation; mostly due in part for the guilt she still carries for years of mistreatment towards her...Leah would shoot Adele a subtle, yet sincere, smile of deep heartfelt gratitude and newfound admiration.

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