The Night Before

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"Yes, Suga'bear?"

"I'm gonna be late coming home tomorrow...I'm going to the hospital. Nadine's got another chemo session tomorrow afternoon; and, I want to be therefor her...if that's okay with you, Grandma."

"It's fine, Suga' go be there for Nadine. I'll have your supper ready for you whenever you get back."

"Thank you, Grandma."

Estelle notices Adele suddenly appear extremely pensive, as if she were brooding over something while beginning to slowly stir her black-eyed peas around on her plate. She watches her granddaughter do this for a few minutes before addressing it.

"Suga'bear...stop playin' with your food, please."

Adele remains oblivious to her surroundings, including her grandmother's request, and continues to move the legumes unmethodically about the plate. In an attempt to get Adele's attention, Estelle slightly raises her voice this time...


Her attention now somewhat drawn back; Adele vaguely responds, "Yes; Grandma?"

"Something troubling your mind, Suga'bear?"

Adele hesitates briefly before answering, "Grandma...Nadine?" Adele becomes silent.

"What about Nadine, Suga'bear?"

"Well..."she softly bites down on her lip, then continues, "I know that Dr. Minoit said that the medicine would make her be sick before it makes her better...but Nadine's been taking her medicine for a while now..." Adele becomes silent again.

"And what, Suga'bear?"

"Nadine doesn't look like she's getting any better, Grandma..." Adele once again bites down on her lip as she slowly looks down to her plate and somberly continues, "She looks like she's... she's..."

"She's what, Suga'bear?"

Adele gradually raises her head to face Estelle, and softly says, "Getting sicker."  

Both remain looking at each other in silence until Adele finally asks pointblank, "Is Nadine going to get better, Grandma?"

Estelle Wilson's a strong woman; and will continue to be strong for Adele when the time comes to be there for her when Nadine passes. But she doesn't want to be the one responsible for devastating Adele's heart; that she doesn't possess the strength for. So, she decides to answer her granddaughter in what she believes to be the most honest, yet unstraightforward, manner possible. She simply states...

"I don't know, Suga'bear."

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