The Doe

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The location of the Wilson home...sitting fairly isolated on the outskirts of town; abutting the woods...had been an ideal and advantageous environment for Adele to be raised at; and for two significant reasons. First, it kept her away from town; where she would quite often face demeaning ridicule from the kids residing in town...especially those around her age that knew of her from school. Second, it allowed her to spend quality time with Grandpa Joe; just the two of them spending hours at a time walking about the woods. It was Grandpa Joe who instilled in Adele her appreciation for the beauty in the simplicity of nature; and by achieving this, in a roundabout way, he indirectly taught Adele how to see and value the natural inner-beauty within even her own simplicity.

To Adele, those were without a doubt the times she enjoyed spending the most with him; and they remain the most precious and cherished memories of him that she holds onto. And even though it's been several years since he died, Adele still relishes every moment she gets to spend in those woods. In a way, it's almost as if he wasn't gone; because the connection that they shared while there before still somehow remains between them to this day. As long as there's nature to be taken in, Grandpa Joe will always be with her.

Since his death, Adele's visits to the woods were always taken in solitude...she wouldn't even ask Grandma to accompany her...for that wondrous place had been just hers and Grandpa Joe's. She never had any inclination to share it with anybody else besides least not until recently. For today, Adele has invited Nadine to join her.

Adele and Nadine have been traversing through the woods for hours; with Adele pointing out some of the favorite spots that she and her grandfather used to enjoy visiting the most to Nadine. And when coming upon an open clearing with a rill cutting through it, they decide to take a rest there and enjoy the tranquil rhythm of the babbling stream.

Nadine isn't sure if it's because she's spent the past couple of hours basking in the soothingly warm rays of a pleasantly amiable afternoon sun; or because she has been breathing in noticeably fresher, crispier air compared to that of in town; or if it's all the different wildlife that Adele had exposed her to today...or a compilation of everything that afternoon...but today, Nadine feels more alive than she has felt since discovering that her leukemia's returned...maybe even in her whole entire life. Life abounds this place. And despite the knowledge that her own life may soon come to an end, Nadine isn't upset or feeling any sense of despair here. On the contrary, she's feeling surprisingly euphoric; at total peace with the world. It's as if nature's allowing her to feed off of its life. And although she's plagued with a fatalistic a way she's not; at least not here at this moment.

"It's so beautiful out here. I lived here my whole life, but I never knew this place existed. I mean, I knew there were woods outside of town; I just never bothered coming out here before." She reflects a moment before continuing, "I guess sometimes we just overlook and take things for granted. Thanks for taking me here and showing me around, Adele."

"You're welcome. My Grandpa Joe used to say that if people don't take the time to connect with nature, they'll lose touch with humanity; and eventually themselves." Adele begins to look around to soak in the beauty of the surroundings. "I like coming's nice and quiet and peaceful. I like to come here and think."

"Think about what?"

"Oh...all kinds of stuff."

"Well; it sure is the perfect place for it."

Adele's still looking around. "Uh-huh...I love to come out here and be by myself..." She quickly faces Nadine and apologetically rescinds, "Not that I mind being here with you, Nadine. I didn't mean that. I'm glad you're here with me now."

Nadine gives Adele a delicate, reassuring smile. "And I'm glad to be herewith you, too. Don't worry; I know what you meant, Adele." She pauses briefly, and then asks, "You like to be by yourself a lot; don't you?"

Adele starts looking around again. "Uh-huh."

"Is that why you usually kept to yourself at school?"

Adele looks to the ground and remains silent for a moment before answering, "'s different. I want to be by myself out here. At school...that's just the way it is. I don't mind much though. I mean...I'm used to it."

Adele looks up to Nadine, wearing a forlorn expression of consignment to her socia lstanding at school...and pretty much everywhere else for that matter...then looks back to the ground.

"Adele...have you ever tried to make friends you wouldn't be alone all the time at school?"

Adele looks beseechingly into her eyes. "You're my friend, Nadine...right?"

"Of course I am. No...I mean other people; besides me?"

Totally content with her friendship with Nadine, Adele earnestly wonders, "Why would I need anyone else now that you're my friend?"

"It's good to have more than one friend, Adele..." Nadine looks down to the ground as she hesitantly, and obscurely, broaches the subject of her impending death, "I mean...what if I went away one day...and not come back?"

Adele quickly becomes agitated and overwrought after hearing this. She can't believe it...Nadine just became her friend...and now she was leaving?

"You're not going away...are you? But you're my friend...why are you going to leave me, Nadine? I..."

Adele breaks down and begins to cry. Nadine quickly takes hold of her hands and tries to calm Adele by reassuring her...

"Shh...calm down...I'm not going to leave you."

Adele forces herself to stop crying enough so she can ask, "You're not?"


Adele begins to calm down a little more. "Promise?"

Nadine slowly pulls Adele to her; then tenderly hugs her. "Promise."

While embracing Adele, Nadine notices a doe stroll out from the dense brush lying on the other side of the clearing and approach the stream. It begins drinking.

In a hushed voice, Nadine tells her, "Adele...look...behind you."

Adele turns her head and sees the doe. She turns back to face Nadine; placing her index finger up to her lips as she softly tells Nadine...

"Shh...wait here."

Adele heads towards the doe; gingerly moving with every step so not to startle it. Nadine watches with bated breath as Adele slowly closes in on the drinking animal. With only a few steps left between her and the doe, Adele stops. The doe, now aware of her presence, looks up at Adele. Moving as if in slow motion, Adele kneels down on one knee. The doe, showing no apprehension whatsoever, steps towards Adele.

Nadine watches in total amazement as Adele's allowed to reach out and gently stroke the animal's head. Then Adele grabs a handful of grass and starts feeding it.

Nadine can no longer wait. She starts to walk slowly towards them; but within her first few steps, the animal quickly darts off back into the brush.

Adele turns her head and sees a disappointed looking Nadine. She stands up and goes to her.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to scare it away."

"It's okay; don't worry about it. It only ran away because it didn't know you; that's all."

"Actually; I don't think it was because it didn't know me. Adele...most wild animals won't let people get close to them like that." She smiles at Adele. "No; there's more to it than that."

"I don't understand."

"Animals are supposed to have a really good sense of I guess that deer just confirmed what I've known about you all along."


Nadine takes hold of Adele's hands and smiles again. "That you...Adele Wilson...are a very special person."

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