The Funeral

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The morning after Elizabeth died, Leah's mom decided that it would be too painful for them to remain in that house; so two days after the funeral, they moved in with an aunt in the city until they're able to find a new one. But, on the day of Nadine's funeral, both Leah and her mom drive in from the city to attend it.

There are many present at the gravesite to say their final farewells to Nadine. Sarah, Trish and Janice are obviously in attendance; along with Eddie and Hector. Mostly to pay their own respects; but, also present to represent the school faculty, Mr. Trudeaux and Mrs. Newman have come. And, though most of the Roosevelt High students attending the service have come to pay their respects to Nadine; there is a small handful that came solely for Adele to offer her emotional support.

Among those seated in the first row of folding chairs set up within a few feet from her casket; which lies beside a freshly dug grave...Cheryl, David, Corrine, Adele and Estelle.

During those difficult times throughout her adult lifetime, Cheryl always found refuge in holding onto Corrine and Nadine's hands. When her own mother died four years ago...even though she and Corrine had a rocky relationship at the time...Cheryl still found comfort through this ritual. But today, Nadine's lying in the casket; and Cheryl's experiencing the most devastating day of her life to date without being able to hold onto her hand. However, although it could never be the same, Cheryl's finding it almost as comforting as possible under the circumstances anyway...holding onto Adele's hand. So, Cheryl finds some solace sitting between Corrine and Adele while taking hold of one of their hands in each of hers.

Though David came from a family of Protestant denomination, and Cheryl from one of Roman Catholicism; neither were practicing participants in their respective faiths. This meant that the Martins had no official church affiliations. But, due to Adele's influence, weeks prior of her death, Nadine told her parents that she'd like Preacher Redmond to deliver her funeral services; and, she asked Adele if she would ask him if he would do it.  And, because the Wilsons were beloved, longstanding members of the congregation...and, because Adele and Estelle spoke so highly of Nadine to him...even though he had never met her himself, Preacher Redmond agreed to deliver her eulogy.

As it would happen; today, Preacher Redmond was scheduled to fly out to Charleston, South Carolina to receive the prestigious Southern Eastern/Central Regional Clergyman of the Year Award for his outstanding service and contribution to both his own congregation and affiliated churches throughout several states. So, at 7:45 A.M., Deacon Casper Jennings boarded a plane bound for Charleston to receive the award on behalf of Preacher Redmond.

Being one of 'God's representatives', Preacher Redmond understands that he must love and treat each member of his congregation equally; not favoring any one of them above the others. But, being a mere mortal, and not some Divine entity, Preacher Redmond isn't perfect; and sometimes falls subject to his humanly flaws. And, though he does love all the members of his church, being sure to respect and treat them all the same, he can't help but being most fond of Adele. 

 He refers to her as the congregation's 'purest little lamb'; and, believes that she's one of God's special children sent down from Heaven as a blessing for their church. Preacher Redmond has even avowed to Deacon confidence...that he's convinced Adele Wilson unequivocally possesses the most innocent soul of anyone that he's ever been privileged to have contact with. 

 He believes that anyone fortunate enough to get to know Adele would only benefit from it. Adele's only 'flaw', as he saw it, was her trepidation of socializing with people. Preacher Redmond thought it was a shameful injustice that so many people were deprived of the opportunity of having Adele Wilson touching their lives. But that has changed; starting back in September.

Adele has gone through a major transformation over the past months; thanks mostly due to the loving tutelage of Nadine. She's much more confident and outgoing; now more readily willing to reach out to people. Because of this, more people will be able to have their lives blessed from Adele's acquaintance. And, after seeing this miraculous affect that Nadine has had on Adele's life, there's nothing short of his own death that's going to keep Preacher Redmond from conducting Nadine Martin's funeral service today.

When the time comes, Preacher Redmond delivers what will probably be one of the most eloquent sermons that he'd ever orate during his entire church career. Everybody's deeply moved by his generously praising eulogy honoring Nadine's short but meaningful life; and his comforting and inspirational sentiments offered to all those currently grieving that she's left behind. His words are appreciatively received by everyone present today...everyone except Adele that is; who for the first time ever attending one of his services, doesn't hear a single word he's saying.

Sitting there, so close to the casket entombing her recently demised best friend, Adele starts becoming unbearably sad. She wants to get up and runaway...far far as her feet could carry her from the cemetery. But, that would be an insult to Nadine; and their friendship. So, Adele decides to take her grandmother's advice instead. She's missing Nadine already; and wants so badly to see her dear friend once again.

As the service commences, Adele tightly closes her eyes and begins to think about some of her favorite times she had spent with Nadine. Among some of those moments, she remembers...

The first day of school, when Nadine helped her pick up her spilled backpack's content from the floor in front of her locker. And, that same day, in Sociology class, when they smiled at each other just before Nadine agreed to be her partner for the class project. Eating strawberry ice cream at the ice cream stand after not being able to see the movie. Walking through the woods for the first time together. The time Nadine gave her the pudding cup during their first lunch together in the school cafeteria. Getting her copy of "Jane Eyre" at Christmas from Nadine. The night of her makeover. Looking in the mirror before heading off to the school prom. And, later that evening, at their prom in the Martin's backyard, watching Nadine dancing with Eddie.

Between each of these memories, Adele hears a single skyrocket burst in her mind; with her smile growing a little with each one. And eventually, a humongous smile expands across Adele's face while tears slowly trickle from her shut eyes; as she hears a cavalcade of fireworks exploding in her mind.

Estelle looks over to check on Adele and sees this. Knowing her granddaughter the way that she does, Estelle instantly realizes what's happening and smiles; as she thinks to herself...

"That's right, Suga' go on. Go on remembering Nadine."

When the service ends...before her casket is lowered into its grave...Adele adorns the top of Nadine's coffin with freshly picked wild flowers that she had gathered from the woods earlier this morning. They're the same type of wild flowers that Adele used to drop off for Nadine at the Nurse's station back when she was in the hospital when they were seven. 

 And, they'll be the same type of wild flowers Adele will be bringing to Nadine's grave for as long as she's physically able to. And, when she no longer can; they'll be the same type of wild flowers that Adele will see to that her children...and, her children's children...will continue placing upon Nadine's grave.

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