New Recruit

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Just like one may ponder over as to which came first, the chicken or the egg; the same can be wondered about Miss Agatha Krinsky and the school. Seemingly having always been there, some amusingly contend that the building was probably erected around her. Now in her early seventies, Miss Krinsky has been a beloved, permanent staple at Roosevelt High School.

Miss Krinsky's sitting at her desk when they enter the school's Main Office.

"Good morning, Ms. Krinsky."

"Good morning, Adele, sweetie."

To make sure that Miss Krinsky doesn't misconstrue why she's there, Adele takes it upon herself to quickly clarify, "I'm not in trouble, Ms. Krinsky; I'm gonna be helping Mr. Trudeaux...right, Mr. Trudeaux?"

"That's right." He gestures to the bench against the wall in front of the reception counter. "Adele; why don't you have a seat while I speak with Principal Davis."


"Agatha; could you please see if Principal Davis has a moment."

While Miss Krinsky calls Principal Davis, Adele nervously looks about the room. She can't help but to feel a little trepidation. Although Mr. Trudeaux has assured her several times already that she wasn't in any trouble, they were still in the office to see the principal.

When Principal Davis comes out; he walks out from behind the counter to speak with Mr. Trudeaux. "What can I do for you, Horace?"

"Ah, yes; Michael...after having the opportunity to peruse Adele Wilson's class schedule; I discovered that she once again has Basic Math for first period class?"

"Yes...I suppose; if that's what her schedule says she has. Why?"

"Well, you see, Michael; I have a project in mind for my Junior class this which requires them to be paired off. I currently have fifteen students in my first period class; and being how she has already passed Basic Math class twice before...with your permission, of course...I'd like Ms. Wilson assigned to my class to..."

Principal Davis now takes notice of Adele on the bench, quietly sitting still; like a nervous child making a conscientious effort to be on their best behavior.

"Wait a minute. You want...Adele your Sociology class?"


"Come on, Horace; you can't be serious."

"Oh, but I'm totally serious."

"Adele Wilson? Horace; the girl probably doesn't even know what sociology is, let alone..."

Adele faintly utters aloud, "The study of people."

Both immediately look at Adele. Mr. Trudeaux inquires...

"I'm sorry; did you say something, Ms. Wilson?"

Staring at the floor, she softly replies, "'s the study of people."

A brilliant answer...genius in simplicity. A victorious smile expands across Mr. Trudeaux's face.

"That's right, Adele; very good." He turns to Principal Davis. "See; she knows what sociology is."

"Fine...whatever. You're sure you want Adele in your class?"

"I'm sure."

"And Adele's okay with this?"

"Well, let's ask her; shall we." He turns to her. "Adele; how would you like to be in my Sociology class?"

She instantly looks up to Mr. Trudeaux in total amazement. Adele's momentarily speechless; appearing as if she were suddenly petrified frozen with her mouth fully agape. Mr. Trudeaux taught real students; and she's never once thought of herself as being a real student while in high school. She couldn't have been...not with the 'classes' she's always been put in all these years.

Overwhelmingly bewildered, but at least now able to speak, "You a real class?"

Mr. Trudeaux smiles. "Yes; a real class."

"I...I never had a real class here before."

"Well; would you like one, Adele?"

She looks to the floor and gently bites down on her lower lip; then looks back up at Mr. Trudeaux and softly replies, "Yes."

Mr. Trudeaux sharply claps his hands together, keeping them clasped as he turns to Principal Davis. "Good. Then it's settled."

Principal Davis dubiously concedes, "Fine." He turns to Miss Krinsky, "Miss Krinsky; be sure to make a notation in Adele's file that she has Sociology for first period..." then turns to Mr. Trudeaux,"Anything else?"

"No; thankyou, Michael."

"Alright then...good luck, Horace."

Principal Davis heads back to his office; while Mr. Trudeaux starts to leave. At the door, he turns around and summons Adele...

"Come, Ms. Wilson; we have a class to attend." He exits.

Not sure if what happened really was happening, Adele gradually rises from the bench and dazedly walks up to the counter.

"I have to go now, Miss Krinsky..." she proudly smiles, "I have a real class now."

Miss Krinsky gives Adele a kind, genteel smile. "Yes, I heard. Congratulations, sweetie; I'm sure you'll do great in it."

Adele triumphantly leaves; striding as if walking on air.

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