The Return

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Cheryl and Nadine are holding hands, sitting in front of a large mahogany desk; each wearing a transparently contrived smile in a desperate attempt to reassure the other. It's been about nine years since they've been in this office; and even though the room's décor has changed several times over the years, the aura remains the same...a morose, burdening sensation of unrelenting despair mixed with a fleeting desire for an optimistic outcome.

Dr. Minoit enters the office from the exam room, flipping through her file; then takes a seat behind the desk and continues skimming through the pages. Cheryl and Nadine take one last quick look at each other, release hands, then turn and watch Dr. Minoit. When he finishes reviewing the results, he soberly looks to them.

"There's no easy way to tell you this; so, I'll just come out and say it. I'm sorry, Nadine; but it looks like its back."

Cheryl shoots rigidly upright in her seat and begins to vehemently dismiss the diagnosis. "No! It can't just can't. You told  us it was gone. She's been fine. She's fine."

Dr. Minoit reaffirms, "Cheryl; there are no hard set rules when it comes to dealing with cancer. Again...I'm sorry...but it looks like she's out of remission. The leukemia's returned."

Nadine remains deafly quiet, displaying no facial indication of an emotional response whatsoever. She looks almost like a deer entranced by the headlights of an oncoming car ready to smack into it. Meanwhile, Cheryl, who still refuses to accept the inescapable finality of the results, quickly takes a resolute stand.

She looks to Nadine, "Alright...we beat this thing twice before; and we'll beat it again..." then turns to Dr. Minoit, "How soon can we start chemotherapy?"

He starts to try to explain the severity of her condition, "Cheryl; you have to understand...this is Nadine's third bout with leukemia. Her bloodwork already indicates..."

An obstinate Cheryl sharply rebuts, "But the chemo worked before...and it can work again; right?"

There's no immediate response from him; and Cheryl once again demands a reaffirmation from the doctor.


He hedges, "I suppose. Again; there are no hard set rules when..."

Cheryl abruptly cuts him off. "Fine...when do we start?"

He looks down and reviews the appointment calendar on his desk blotter before suggesting, "How about next Tuesday?"

"Tuesday...we'll see you then." Cheryl stands and first looks to her daughter, "Come on, Nadine, honey; let's go," then to Dr. Minoit,"Goodbye."


Nadine slowly gets up, purposely leaving her purse sitting on the floor beside the chair; then somberly follows Cheryl out. Once in the Reception area, she informs her mother...

"Oh, Mom...I forgot my purse in Dr. Minoit's office. I have to go back and get it."

"Okay; I'll wait for..."

"I'll just be a minute. I'll meet you out at the car; okay?"


Cheryl leaves. Nadine walks back and knocks on the office door. Dr. Minoit opens the door; holding Nadine's purse.

"I take it you leaving your purse behind wasn't an accident?"

As she takes her purse, "No." There's a brief period of silence before she asks, "Dr. mom...she's convinced in her mind that Ican beat it again with the chemo. What do you think?"

He unconvincingly replies, "Well, your mom said; you beat it twice there's always the possibility..."

Nadine wants the truth; not false hope.

"Dr. Minoit...please...just give it to me straight. What are my chances of beating it again?"

He looks at her despairingly as he confesses, "It doesn't look good, kiddo. Sorry."

Nadine gently nods her head; immediately and graciously resigning to her fate. "That's okay. Thank you."

Dr. Minoit sorrowfully watches Nadine as she leaves.

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