Chocolate Pudding

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After her conversation with Adele that afternoon in the woods, Nadine realized that there was one thing she was worried about even more than the fact that she was going to die; and that was that when she dies, Adele would be left alone again without any friends.

Nadine's determined not to allow this to happen. Maybe she won't be able to beat the leukemia this time...perhaps death is inevitably closing in on her with each day that passes...but surely she can find this sweet, kind, wonderful girl a friend or two before her untimely demise. And why not start with the obvious choices; her own friends.

Nadine decrees that there will be no lone tree at the far end of the schoolyard during lunchtime; for Adele will be eating in the cafeteria with her, Sarah, Trish and Janice...and the rest of the fifth period lunch students eating there today.

Adele, Nadine and her friends are sitting at a large lunch table by themselves. Sarah, Janice and Trish notice other students in the cafeteria glancing over at their table making comments to each other. They try to preoccupy themselves; pretending not to be aware of what's going on. Sarah starts applying makeup; Janice picks at the food on her tray; and Trish opens up a crossword puzzle book.

Adele finishes scraping the last of the chocolate pudding from the bottom of its container. "These are so good...but there's never enough in them."

"Here; take mine." Nadine hands Adele her pudding cup.

"You sure?"


"Thank you."

Adele tears off the lid and zealously indulges in the sweet treat. Sarah immediately becomes embarrassed after observing Adele's childish manner of eating; then turns to Trish and starts a conversation in an attempt to put it out of her mind.

"So, Trish; what's with the sudden interest with crossword puzzles?"

"It's my dad's idea. He thinks it'll help with my vocabulary for the SATs."

"Oh right...we have to take them this year; huh?"

"Afraid so. Hey, guys; what's an eleven letter word, starting with P, that means to be pompous or dogmatic?"

After a brief lull of silence, Janice answers, "Pontificate."

Trish looks to Janice. "Huh?"


Trish starts filling in the puzzle. "P-O-N-T..." she mouths the rest of the letters while continuing to write, " fits. Thanks."

Sarah inquires, "And when did you become a walking dictionary, Janice?"

Without looking up from her pudding cup, Adele interjects, "Janice has always been smart with words. Don't you remember in the fifth grade, when she won the spelling bee for our school?"

Adele goes back to eating her pudding. All the girls immediately look at her; with Janice conveying an amazed, and somewhat flattered, expression on her face.

"Adele; you remembered that I won the Fifth Grade Spelling Bee?"

Adele swallows the pudding in her mouth; then, while still staring into the cup, responds, "Uh-huh. I remember that. I remember when Trish was class president in sixth and seventh grade...and when Sarah won the Intramural Cross-Country race in seventh grade."

Adele resumes eating her pudding. Nadine smiles. The other three look at each other with stupefied expressions etched upon their faces. Sarah finally asks...

" do you know all that stuff about us?"

Adele looks up at them...though still avoiding direct eye contact...and swallows the pudding in her mouth. "I've been going to school with all of you since Kindergarten. You probably didn't notice me...but I noticed  you." She looks back into the pudding cup. "I was proud to know all of you when we were going to school together back then. I still am...even though we're not in class together anymore."

Adele resumes eating. The three remain quiet as they watch her eat; now with shameful, guilt-ridden expressions across their faces...Sarah displaying the most regretful visage of them all. True, she hadn't been openly mean to Adele like most everyone else at school; probably for the same reason Trish and Janice also refrained from doing so...she knew that Nadine would be disappointed with her if she did. But she was guilty of viewing Adele as some sort of weirdo; and even went as far as suggesting to Nadine that she stop being friends with her that day after gym class.

And here was Adele Wilson...a girl who they had never once given a second, let alone first, thought about...saying how proud she was of all of them. All these years remembering their past accomplishments better than each other; and they're supposedly good friends. This girl had given them her sincerest admiration; whereas until recently, they wouldn't have given her the time of day.

The shame Sarah thought she felt before brought on by Adele's presence is nothing compared to the shame she's feeling now...and this shame is originating from within herself. This is the same kind of shame that Trish and Janice are currently feeling as well.

Adele finishes. "This pudding sure is good. Nadine, do you think the lunch lady will give me another pudding cup?"

"I don't know...maybe. Why don't you go ask her?"

Adele looks a bit apprehensive after looking back at the counter and noticing the lunch lady's typical, not-so-friendly countenance; then turns back around and murmurs, "No...I better not."

She looks back into her empty pudding cup and faintly sighs. Sarah, Trish and Janice, noticing this, exchange glances to each other; then, moving almost in unison, place their pudding cups on her tray. Gratefully surprised, Adele quickly looks up at them. They smile at her.

She smiles back. "Thank you."

Adele hurries back to eating her dessert. Nadine smiles; appearing as if she was suddenly hit with a great idea.

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