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The following week, without the medicine from the treatments no longer aggravating the leukemia, and after finally having been able to express those fears and concerns that have been burdening her mind all these months to Adele...although still in a weakened condition from her illness...Nadine's feeling a little better; and is up to returning to school. And while most everybody's happy to see her back; there's a deep melancholic mood now permeating Roosevelt High.

Even though everyone's known that Nadine's leukemia had returned...with the exception of a few on staff who were privy of the determined outcome...they've all been hoping that the chemotherapy would put her back into remission; especially since that's what she's been telling Adele. But now that Nadine confessed to Adele that the chemo wasn't helping and she's going to die, there's now a definite, tragic finality that could no longer be ignored, nor changed; no matter how hard one wished or hoped for.

Sarah, Trish and Janice are now devastated; despite the fact that they kind of already had the unsettling feeling that she wasn't going to survive the cancer this time. They've been trying to dismiss that horrible thought from their minds; being how Nadine never came out before and spoke of her expected demise. But again, now that she revealed it to Adele, there's no denying that her fate's sealed.

Eddie once again has a hard time facing Nadine; and can no longer talk to her. But it isn't due to the typical, shy awkwardness he'd succumb to before whenever she was around him. His aversion to confront her this time is brought about by heartbreak. Eddie's totally heartbroken now that he knows Nadine's going to die. And he can't bring himself to face her; since he's certain that if he does, he's going to cry. Sure, he's a self-admitted nerd, but he's still a guy nerd...and guys...especially teenage guys...just don't allow themselves to cry in front of anyone; especially those of the female persuasion.

Nadine's most momentous, and totally unexpected, welcoming back came from none other than Leah VanCleef.

It was her first day back, and just as Nadine and Adele were passing by the remaining 'Cool Crew', who were, as usual, confabbing in front of Christy's locker before homeroom, Leah came up to them and gently wrapped her arms around Nadine; giving her a prolonged, affectionate hug. While holding Nadine there, in full view of Christy and her followers, Leah spoke loud enough for everyone in the hallway within proximity to hear...

"I'm so sorry, Nadine...for every mean thing I ever said or did to you..."she turned her head and briefly looked at Adele, then turned it back around, "and Adele. I really am. Can you ever forgive me?"

True, Nadine had been angered many times by Leah and the others, particularly Christy, over the years...and certainly by those nasty remarks and acts taken upon poor Adele...but it was never in Nadine's nature to behold a grudge against anyone; even if they were part of the notorious 'Cool Crew'. And now, with little time to spare, Nadine doesn't want to waste any of it she has left with petty matters. Part of her accepting her approaching death involves her own wish to make and be at peace within all facets of her remaining life; which includes forgiveness to all those who had wronged her.

"Of course I can, Leah. I totally forgive you."

Leah tenderly pressed the side of her head against Nadine's, and softly whispered in her ear, "Thank you."

Leah could have done that anytime, and anywhere; but she chose to do it specifically in front of Christy and the others. So, in that way, yes, it was a slightly calculated move on Leah's part. But, it was mostly done as a truly sincere, apologetic gesture. And Nadine realized that; because as Leah held her in her arms, with her head gently resting against hers, Nadine felt several of the tears which were flowing from Leah's eyes at the time drip down upon her neck and shoulder.

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