Licensed to Drive

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A yellow Prias pulls up to the curb just as David Martin's opening his car door. Three of Nadine's girlfriends are in the vehicle. Shortly, Nadine comes running out the front door, heading for the car; but comes to a quick stop after hearing her father calling out to her.

"Nadine!" He waves her over. "Could you come here a minute?"

She walks back to her father. "Yeah, Dad?"

"Sarah has a license?"


An incredulous countenance emerges upon his face. "Sarah Parks? The girl who always used to crash her tricycle into every rosebush on her block...that Sarah Parks...has a valid driver's license?"

"Yup. Is this a great country, or what?"

A sudden look of gravity appears on his face. "More like scary."

"Come on, Dad; what's the matter?"

He nervously rubs the back of his head and neck. "Nothing...I suppose. It' you really think she's a good enough driver. I mean; do you think you'll be okay...with Sarah driving?"

Nadine smiles and jests, "It's okay...I don't think there are any rose bushes between here and school."

"Ha, ha...I'm serious, Nadine...I'm just worried that..."

"Relax, Dad..."she reassuringly places her hand on his shoulder, "life's too short to worry about the bad things that could happen. It'll be fine." She kisses him on the cheek. "Gotta go, you."

    Nadine runs over and gets into the front passenger seat. David watches with typical parental concern as the car drives away.

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