Heart to Heart

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Once outside, Nadine and Corrine walk over to an old, rusty swing set in the back corner of the yard and sit. Unlike Adele's fondness of swings...which provides her a joyful, childlike frolicking pastime...the siblings' attachment to this particular swing set holds a more sentimental value deep within them. It was on these very swings that the two had spent many occasions bearing their souls to each other; revealing and sharing their innermost feelings and thoughts. At times, those talks were light and seemingly meaningless in nature; while other times, more serious and of greater importance...but always honest and heartfelt. Today...they'll have probably the most significant discussion of their lives thus far.

"So...what's the story with you and Adele?"

"Do you remember Mr. Trudeaux?"

"Yeah...that British, Sociology teacher; right?"

"Right. He paired me and Adele together for this project where we have to be friends for the school year...so we can learn how to interact with people that are different from ourselves. Well...as soon as I got to know Adele, we became instant friends. Cor, she's just the sweetest person you can ever possibly know. I really do love her to death..."

Noticing that Corrine has apparently become upset, Nadine suddenly stops. She now realizes that under the circumstances, perhaps her choice of wording was a bit inappropriate; at the very least, disturbing to her sister.

"Sorry, Cor...I didn't mean to..."

"No...it's alright...I'm fine."

She wipes away tears starting to form in her eyes. Nadine takes Corrine's hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. Corrine asks...

"So...she doesn't know you're sick?"

"No; I haven't told her yet."

"Na; don't you think that you should tell..."

"I will...but not just yet. I don't want to upset her...or have her worrying about me."

Corrine somberly remarks, "Well...at least one of us lucks out."

"What do you mean?'

Corrine slowly pulls her hand from Nadine and looks away. "Nothing. Forget it...I didn't mean anything."


Tears trickledown Corrine's cheeks. She quickly wipes them away, takes in a deep breath, and looks at Nadine. She begins to confess her deepest, darkest...and most guilt felt...secret to her sister.

"You know...when Mom and Dad first told me that I was going to have a new baby sister...I was so excited. But when they brought you home...and you started getting all the attention...Na; I got so jealous. I started wishing that you were never born."

Corrine looks to the ground, prominently displaying a shameful visage. She takes in another deep breath, then looks back at Nadine and continues...

"And then, when you were two, we found out that you had leukemia...and that you might die from it." Tears once again start trickling down her cheeks. "Na...I swear...I felt so guilty. I honestly believed that I caused you to get sick from wishing that..."

Nadine cuts off Corrine, assertively assuring her, "Cor...that's ridiculous. You have absolutely nothing to do with me having leukemia."

Corrine wipes away the tears. "I know that...now. But back then, Na...I felt horrible. I prayed and prayed for God to make you better...to take me instead."

Nadine tenderly takes Corrine's hand and softly kisses it. Then Corrine gently pulls Nadine's hand to her mouth, and affectionately kisses it. They smile at each other.

"Anyway; you finally got better. The doctors said the leukemia was gone."

There's a brief lull in the conversation before Corrine resumes...

"Then, when you were seven, you got sick again. But at least this time I knew I wasn't responsible for it. I swear, Na...after the first time we went through this illness with you...I've always loved you...so much, Na. I never stopped loving you...ever. But now you were sick again...and I was so scared. Even more than the first time." Tears form again; but Corrine wipes them away before they get the chance to run down her face. "And then you beat it again."

Corrine looks to the ground, then back to Nadine.

"Then last week...when Mom called and left me a message that you were sick again... my God, Na...you would think that you'd become use to the fear...the more times you go through it...but you don't. Because, Na...I'm really scared again. I'm so scared."

Corrine bursts into tears. She covers her face with cupped hands and sobs heavily into them. Nadine quickly reaches over and places her arm around Corrine's shoulder; pulling Corrine into her.

After a moment of silent consolation from her sister, Corrine slowly pulls back from Nadine and starts wiping her face dry. Meanwhile, Nadine tells her...

"I'm scared, too...but not so much now that you're back. I'm really glad you're here, Cor."

"Me, too; Na. And I promise, I'll be here with you for however long it takes for you to get better." She softly laughs, "Look at me...I'm areal mess; huh? Alright, Corrine girl; get a hold of yourself." She finishes wiping her face. "Well...I suppose this is something I'll just have to deal with every time you get sick, Na. That's alright though... it's nothing compared to what you must go through."

There's momentary silence, until Nadine somberly confesses..."You know, Cor...I don't think I'm going to beat it this time."

They each take hold of the other's hands and lovingly gaze into each other's eyes.

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