Repercussion for Being a Good Person

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Nadine has unknowingly been the proverbial thorn in Christy's side for several years now; and after last week's insolent remark during lunch about finding a better class of people to be around, Christy has decided it's time to remove the 'thorn'. And the recent turn of events, in Christy's opinion, should help facilitate the task at hand.

The four most popular girls at Roosevelt High School after Christy no particular order...Veronica Cornwell, Samantha Davis, Tasha Wells and Nadine Martin. Christy has been nefariously vying to keep her number one position throughout both her Junior High and High Schoolyears, managing to keep the other three's popularity in check simply because they're just as vainly shallow and blatantly pretentious as she is; having to coax others to like them. But Nadine's popularity is different...people have a tendency to truly like Nadine Martin because of her kind-heartedness and overall niceness; which Christy views as viable threat to her popularity standing. And for that reason, Christy never dared attempted to attack Nadine's character; fearing the possibility that it would backfire and make her fall in the ranking.

But now there's the "Retard"...the "Freak". Nadine has made the greatest strategical blunder in the 'Popularity War'. She has openly befriended Roosevelt High School's #1 Pariah...Adele Wilson. Even the slightest association with the "Freak" will bring on an unpleasant ribbing from fellow classmates...but to admittedly be her friend...this surely is more than enough to tarnish anyone's popularity...even someone as well-liked as Nadine Martin. And Christy's ready to see to that by setting things in motion during gym class.

As the cacophony of shouted, multiple directing orders; the high-pitched squeaking from the rubber soles of dozens of pairs of sneakers; and a bouncing ball feverishly pounding against the hardwood floor reverberates throughout the entire gymnasium while the boys play basketball on one half of the gym floor...the girls are preparing to engage in a game of volleyball on the other half.

Christy's upas server; with Nadine standing directly in front of her in the next row. She intentionally aims and slams the ball into Nadine's upper back. An irate Nadine spins around and faces Christy, as she feistily shouts...

"What's your problem?"

Christy maliciously retorts, "No problem. I guess I'm just I suppose that means you'll be asking me to the movies and having lunch with me?"

All the other girls laugh while a mortified Sarah, who's standing beside Nadine...embarrassed for her friend...remains silent.

Nadine turns back around. "Whatever."

After class, Nadine's at her gym locker getting ready to get changed, when Sarah sits down on the bench next to her and says, "We need to talk."


Sarah scans the area to see if anyone's in earshot before she continues...

"Look; I know Trudeaux stuck you with Adele Wilson for that class project...but maybe you should back off this whole 'friends' thing with her a little."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..."she quickly looks around again, "people are starting to talk."


"So...come on, Nadine...this whole thing's ridiculous. I mean; him forcing you to be friends with her like..."

"I like being friends with Adele. And I think you would too, Sarah; if you'd just give her a chance. She's a really nice girl."

"Look...I'm sure she is. The thing is..." Sarah becomes quiet.


"Nadine...hanging out with her is starting to ruin your reputation."

"Ruin my reputation? What reputation?"

"You know...your popularity." She sheepishly explains, "People see you hanging out with the weirdo...they see you differently. You're not as popular anymore, Nadine... and the more time you spend with Adele, the more popularity you lose."

Nadine indignantly responds, "First of all, Sarah; Adele isn't a weirdo...she's a kind, sweet person. I'm proud to be her friend. And I really don't care if that makes me less popular. Besides; what does popularity have to do with anything anyway?"

Sarah defensively rationalizes her position, "Popularity has to do with everything, Nadine...after all, this is high school; you know. Whether you like it or not, this is one big popularity game here. And having the wrong people on your team will cost you the game."

Nadine lets outa short laugh...not one of amusement; but more like one saying 'I can't believe what you just said'.

"Whatever...I don't care. I'm going to stay friends with Adele no matter what people say...even you, Sarah."

Nadine removes her gym uniform shirt, just as two girls walking down the aisle are passing by. They suddenly stop and gawk at Nadine's back.

The first girl exclaims, "Jeez, Nadine; how hard did Christy hit you with that ball?"

"Not that hard; why?"

The second girl doubtingly remarks, "You sure about that?"

 Nadine immediately looks over her shoulder, down towards her back, to see what they're talking about. Sarah also examines Nadine's back.

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