4: Mommy Loves You...

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*Present Time*
*Your Pov.*

I was cuddled on the couch as I watched a really scary movie. A scene was playing that got me shaking and shouting; 'Ew! Go away! Stop! No no no no no!' Which are things I rarely do. The scene playing looked like this;

        In the corner of the room sat a small girl. The age of 6 at most. Her muddy, black hair covered her face as she had her head down, hugging her knees to her chest. Her baby blue night down was torn and ragged from clots of blood and small torn pieces of organs hanging from it. Memories of one night ran through her head as she dug her nails into her legs, letting blood draw and slip down to her ankles and to the floor. She wasn't crying but merely mumbling words that made her seem crazy. Yet though she wasn't.

"The mean old lady did it..." She hugged her legs tighter.

"They all did... They took her away..." She breathed heavily, trying to make the images go away. They wouldn't though... They kept showing...

"They took Mommy away." The room was cold. Blood stained everywhere. Dripping from the wall onto the floor. They were black ashy walls that leaked black, gooey, blood.

Oh, but it wasn't just anyone's blood.

It was those who tried to get to her.

The more that people tried to get into that hell of a room the more the old lady feasted on their flesh and bones, leaving the blood and organs to the walls. The four walls that kept the lady and the child caged in.

The old lady rocked in the rocking chair in a corner on the other side of the room from the scared little girl. It was her mother although it wasn't. The mean lady took her mother. She took her body so that she could hold the little girl when she felt lonely. The 6 year old didn't want to be near the woman but that didn't matter. In fact, what the 6 year old wanted never mattered. She was only there for the lady to hold, like she was a doll. A doll that was owned by the spirit.

The movie scene sent a shiver down my spine as it played. The ghost lady was so fucking creepy! Thankfully, just thankfully, it was almost over. Soon, Uncle Tom will be here, we'll go out and have a good time and I can TRY to have a good nights sleep.

Damn lady...

"Shut up you stupid brat!" The lady hissed. The black haired girl flinched at the woman's words, making the lady snicker. Her spirit sat next to the little kid, having her freezing temperature engulf the little girl. The girl shivered uncontrollably as the woman smirked at her.

"What a beautiful angel." The woman cooed, letting her body pass through the little girl's, making the 6 year old tremble at the pain and cold.

"So innocent yet so stupid!" The woman laughed, passing through the girl's form again.

"Stop! Please stop!" The girl sulked as she shook her head quickly, hugging her knees as close to her as she could. Goosebumps were over rate in this situation as the little girl's heart was pounding hard in her chest. Well, what was left of it anyways. The woman fed off her fear, fed off her innocence, fed off her life.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh. No need to cry hun. Moms here." The woman snickered as she went through the little girl once more.

"No! You took mommy away!" The girl finally cried.

"No." The woman shook her head as she flew over the the rocking chair, taking the freezing cold with her. The girl sighed in relief as she got a tad bit warmer. "That woman isn't your mommy." The woman said as she entered the dead body of the passed mother.

Whoa, one is she bipolar as hell and two why the fucking hell is she in the dead mom's body! Gross man! That is a rotting corpse that you're in. That has to smell horrible!

"Yes she was!" The girl shivered, wanting the woman to leave her alone.

"No!" The woman denied. She sat up in the dead body and twisted the the neck all the way around, making it crack and break and then made it twist the other way around, making the rest of the bones break and some break the skin, making bones stick out of the neck. She turned the head back to its normal position and let it go, making it hang upside down but still looking at the little girl. The woman got on her hands and knees and whispered to the child.

Oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god! That is so god damn horrible! I trembled as I pulled the covers tighter around me. This lady is pretty fucked up in the head.

"Look." She hissed to the kid. The girl looked up at her dead mother's live body as the dangling and twisted head was staring at her. Her mother's face had barley any skin and showed the ripped up veins and her cracked teeth. The eyes were scratched out of her sockets which left black blood to seep out from them, yet the left eye was left to dangle from its cords, from the socket. Most of the mother's skin was torn off. On her right hand she had her pointer finger and pinky finger missing. On her left her thumb and middle finger was missing. She had no right foot and she was covered in blood and mold from head to toe. Most of her hair was gone except for a few strands that were all chunky and gooey. The mother's white night gown was torn and covered in mud and the crimson liquid that came from not only other's but from her skinned body.


I yanked the blanket over my head as I screamed curse words at the television. This had to be that most fucked up piece of shit I have ever watched! So fucking horrible. That poor little 6 year old girl! I peeked out a bit so I could see what would happen next. Hopefully someone could find a way to get in there!

The little girl cried harder as she was forced to look at the sight and in no hesitation the woman grinned.

"Mommys here." She snickered as she quickly crawled over to the girl in the disfigured body, laughing maniacally, making the girl scream in horror. Once the woman reached her, she cupped her face in the dead hands. She moved the horrid, upside down face in the little girls and placed kisses all over her cheeks and forehead, making the girl tremble in fear. The woman pulled away but only to put her arms tightly around the 6 year old and cuddled her.

"Mommy loves you..."

I sat up straight as the end credits rolled, making me as fucking happy as when the devil gets a hard working slave that is terrified of him. Though, when I least excepted it;

"MOMMY LOVES YOU!" Someone yelled as they grabbed a hold of my shoulder, shaking me. With a high pitched scream, I grabbed their arm and ducked down, pulling them along. The person flipped over the couch from behind me and landed on the other side of the coffee table, hitting the hard wood floor with a loud groan.

"Who the fuck are you!?" I demanded as I jumped up and got into a fighting stance. Once I looked at who it was, I gasped. "Uncle Tom, I'm so sorry!" I ran over to his side and helped him up.

"It isn't your fault. It's mine for lack of memory." He cracked his now sore muscles as he cringed slightly. "I forgot that you are very violent when scared." He winced as he stretched a bit and felt the back of his neck. "Along with very dominant and intimidating." He chuckled as he finished fixing himself. He looked me up and down before furrowing his eyebrows. "Why aren't you changed?" He asked.

"What?" I asked confused before I remembered. "Oh right, sorry, I felt the need to scream and got lost in a series of horror films." I chuckled slightly and he nodded with a smile.

"Well go change into something nice quick while I go take a shower to loosen the sore muscles." He said with a chuckle before walking behind to couch and retrieving his suit case. He walked up to me and smiled brightly. "Hurry, I have some great news and I wanna tell you really badly but I want to wait until we get to the restaurant!" He said excitedly and he shooed me to go get ready.

With a nod, I shot up to my room to get changed, curious on what he was going to tell me.


No, It is NOT a real movie, just a short story I had made up a couple days before halloween in 2014. Yes, I was pretty mess up then, but guess what! It is only getting worse! XD

Hope you enjoyed! :)

-The Regretful.

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