57: Armor

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*Your POV*

*Present Time*

In the end, there was nothing I could do. I came all this way and fought so hard for you.

But you'll never know that.

You'll never know that I...

"I knew you were alive." I could feel a slight tremble in Tom's arms as he held me tight. "They said you were dead but I knew there was no way that could be true."

Even my uncle had faith in me, a woman with no control. If Anna wanted me dead then I would have been dead by now. Same thing with Jane. The only reason I'm standing here now is because they gave me the opportunity to. Jane handed me a gun, Anna gave me her trust

Both believed they could string me along with their plans cause both of them knew if I became an issue, they could just get rid of me. However neither of them believed I'd be an issue and that's the only reason I'm alive. Why is it that these two men have so much faith in me when all I've done is hide away from the world most of my life? When shit got hard I gave up.

Just like now...

Widening my sore eyes, I ripped myself away from Tom and quickly looked to the man who still stood staring at the front door with a blank expression.

"You!" The man slowly faced me without saying a word. But before I could utter another word, I felt myself being roughly shoved aside and a giant obstacle came between me and the man I was speaking to.

"The Hell are you still doing here?! Did you do anything to her?!"

"Wait!" Quickly reaching up, I grabbed Tom's hand and pulled. It didn't do much but it got me some of his attention. With his eyes still glued to the man, he squeezed my hand back and stood directly in front of me.

"Don't worry (Name), I'll protect you." I appreciate it but I'm running low on time! Quickly standing up I move myself in between Tom and the man, making Tom's grip tighten. "What are you, crazy?! Get behind me right now!" Worried that he'd actually pull me behind him, I quickly shook myself free and stuck my arms out at both of them.

"I think I have an idea!" Both men for obvious reasons looked at me confused. Again, understandable! "Tom! Do you still have those old bikes in the shed further out back?!" With very little information, he had every right to look at me like I was a moron but I had no more time to explain. However, my desperation seemed to have reached him as he fumbled over his words.

"Y-yeah. I-I'm pretty sure it's done for though. Why the hell are we talking about-"

"Is there a chance even one of them could start?!" Widening his eyes he looked back and forth between me and the man.

"Where do you think you're going?! I just got you back! You're not going anywhere young lady! Do you have any clue how worried I was?! We need to get you to the hospital and warn the police-"

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