20: Overthinking...

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Hello Darlings. I am back and in action! I would love it if you read the author's note at the end that will be explaining the situation of this story and what I plan to be doing. Other than that, hope ya'll enjoy~ Please let me know what you think. ;)

*Your Pov.*

*Present Time*

I sat back in my recliner in my lit up living room, thanks to the light outside. I have my (Favorite Breakfast) resting in my lap as I took a few bites here and there, taking not so secret glances at Jeff who sat to my left on the small love seat, keeping his eyes on his sandwich he wanted, also taking a few bites here and there.

The whole house was silent other than the birds that sang outside and the barely audible noises from my shifting from time to time. It's been like this for the whole half hour we both sat there. Neither of us dared to say a word to the other for neither of us knew what to say. I took another quick glance at Jeff, wondering just what was going through his mind.

Was he thinking or was he bipolar? One minute the guys was teasing me and being an absolute pervert and the next he's silent as could be and didn't dare send a look my way. I know he acknowledges my glances because I can see it in his eyes. The way they move to the side every time I look at him. It was as if he was nervous about my stares. Why would he be? He's a killer, he should be used to this? What's wrong with one more person doing it?

I gave shot him another quick glance to see the results and they turned out the same way. When I placed my gaze on him, a moment later he looks to the side, trying to avoid my gaze. I knew he was looking at me in the corner of his vision. How else would he be able to tell that I was looking at him. I wasn't moving at all, the only parts I was moving were my (E/C) eyes.

A breathy sigh left my lips as I slightly nodded my head negatively. My eyes fell onto my food and unconsciously, I go right to eating it. I wonder how many people are poisoned a day because they just take random food from strangers? How many kids go to the hospital because they thought the candy was okay to eat? How many people are so horrible to bring harm to animals by poisoning their food? Aren't dogs smarter than that? Wouldn't they know if something was off with their food? What if the dog's senses are blinded? What if something happened and they couldn't smell then what would they do to protect themselves?

A small frown came to my lips as I tilted my head. I really over thought some things, did I? Maybe that's why I was hard to teach. Maybe I was too stubborn or too questioning that the teacher's couldn't keep up. Maybe I was the one who couldn't keep up. I've always needed to be shown how to do things physically, I couldn't have instructions to do so or I would screw up what I was trying to make. I don't know why, if I'll ever know why but all I know is that I need to be shown a coupe times before being able to do it on my own.

Math was another thing though. I could never keep up in math. No matter how hard I tried, how hard I worked, I never got it right. And when the magical times came where I was able to answer a problem right, I would forget how in the next hour. I was horrible at it all. The equations, division, multiplication, heck, I even mess up on adding! Math is just not my thing. In fact, all my math teachers thought I was making excuses of being too lazy, not wanting to do the work and just wanting attention. That only pissed me off when that would happen.

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