28: All About You, Jeffery Woods

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~July 7th, 1986~

       It was but a midsummer's day. Even though summer vacation was coming to a close and students were getting ready to head back to school to start their new year, the sun still rested high in the sky, baking the earth. It was nearly a hundred and five degrees outside, with a well known heat warning.

"It is recommended that everyone stays in a cool environment to avoid heat stroke. Today's high is 109º degrees while today's low is 89º degrees. Please avoid direct contact with the sun and make sure you're keeping hydrated. As for today's traffic reports-" exhaustion and boredom was enough to make anyone snap. However, a certain family had no plans to beat the heat.

       It wasn't necessarily a small town, it's not like everyone knew everyone else very well, but someone from the city would think otherwise. One thing that was noticed when living in this particular town was when outsiders came inside.

"Where do I put this mom?" A premature voice asked. The boy was young and skinny, someone you'd firstly describe as defenseless.

"That's your brother's DVD collection. Just place them by the stair case and he'll take them up when he's done putting his laundry up." The woman who was supposed to be in her late thirties had the complexion of a woman who was at most in her late twenties due to the gentle glow of her skin. The smile that she offered the boy was kind with a perfect set of white teeth.

"Alright." without question, the young boy followed her orders and pushed the box towards the staircase. One wouldn't think a box of CDs would be so heavy but it was true that his brothers collection was impressive. Clapping his hands as if to get rid of the Dust, he rushed upstairs to warn his brother of the box.

       The new house was a two story with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. All of them were upstairs except for one of the bathrooms which was downstairs, through a small hallway, past the kitchen and dining room. To be honest it wasn't as big as their house in New York. In fact, it was a bit more snug and closed off. The walls felt suffocating in their own way but it didn't bother him too much.

"Liu." The boy knocked on a door at the end of the hallway and he patiently waited for an answer. However, 13 year old boys didn't have that much patience. After being ignored for the first time, he let himself into the room and searched for his brother. The room was smaller than expected but then again it was somewhat bigger than what he expected as well. It seems like a comfortable living place for someone who didn't have much interest in anything other than music and reading, but it wasn't like you could do aerobics in there. Looking over to the bed he saw who he was looking for lying back and reading a book. This particularly ticked him off. "Liu."

"What is it?" the older brother of the two looked over at his younger brother who stood in the doorway. "I didn't say you could come in." feeling the vein in his forehead pulsating, the boy took a deep breath and spoke through gritted teeth.

"While everyone downstairs is working their asses off, you're up here jacking off. Come downstairs and get your boxes!" Without listening to his older brother's reply, he headed for downstairs to receive his next task.

"Jeffery, sweetheart, can you please move that box over a bit, it's in the way. I honestly don't know what your father is thinking by putting that there." Jeffery did as told and went to move the box, however, he didn't realize it was too heavy for him. "Jeffery, could you please hurry? I'd rather not have to pay anymore for the time we've had the moving truck than we are now."

"I know but," the box was not budging no matter what. What could weigh more than books and disks? "What's in this thing?" The boy gave up on moving the box and went straight to opening it, the complete opposite of what his mother had asked for him. However, it was what she'd expect out of her child. Putting down a few decorative items she was holding, she moved next to Jeffery to see what was inside the box. Once it opened, they looked inside to find books the size of dictionaries, wooden cases, metal jewelry boxes, and a few other mementos.

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