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*Welcome to your 'Personal Lock Down'...*

*9 Years Ago...*

*Narrator Pov.*


Colors decorated all over the what used to be plain, white paper. From blue, to black, to pink, to green, to orange... All the colors that were in (Name)'s little coloring box were their own little place on her paper, as if she wanted each and every color to have a spot of their own.

Eight year old (Name) sat on the ground coloring as her 17 year old babysitter sat on the couch, reading a book. (Name) was a very curious girl at the time so she would always peek over the older one's shoulder and try her best to read along, but though she could never seem to read the big words like; Traumatized or physically.

(Name) always had a problem with reading because she didn't go to school. When she did she was expelled within the first month. She hated that there was a person always watching her every move and making sure she was good. It didn't matter how many people were set to show her how to properly act, she couldn't seem to get the concept down. Even for an eight year old girl, she was pretty intimidating. She was never good at working with others, especially with those who gave her attitude. She always ended up in fights and because of her bad behavior streak, the blame was always placed onto her.

Finally, after what seemed to be the 6th school, (Name) was put in online schooling. Although that never really helped either. She needed to be physically shown how to do things. She couldn't do them online and no one was usually around to take her in for tutoring. All that anyone ever told her was that if she actually payed attention, she would figure it out. The only problem was that her parents always seemed to be busy and the sitter never gave a damn about the online learning and thought that (Name) should get out into the world and learn from real life experiences. (Name) was never used to affection or positive attention. No one was ever really there to listen to her when she had a problem or give her the emotional support she needed.

(Name)'s babysitter, Anna, looked over at the clock, noticing it was already passed nine at night.

"Hmmm." (Name) looked at her as she stood up and stretched. "Your parents should already be here. They're over an hour late!" She complained as she set her book down and walked to the kitchen. This worried (Name) a bit. Her parents were hard workers and never have they ever been late. They're always picky about time. Heck, she even remembers when they would scold her and dress her in the car so they wouldn't be late for a family gathering or birthday party.

Anna came back in the room with a soda in her hand. She took a sip of the liquid as she took a seat back on the living room couch, propping her feet up on the coffee table. A grin made its way to (Name)'s face as she quickly stood up and raced over to her watcher, leaving her art in the past. (Name) jumped on the couch and got into a good enough position where she could prop her feet up on the table herself and placed her hands on her stomach, making Anna laugh.

"That a girl!" Anna and (Name) fist bumped each other before Anna turned on a movie. Anna was the closest thing (Name) had to a role model, even if they weren't that close. They just pranked some neighbors and had a few laughs but they never really got too far in each other's lives. Anna had become a sister in (Name)'s eyes, someone (Name) could be like and be proud to be like. Half way into the movie, the house phone went off and Anna sighed intently before pausing the movie and getting up to grab it.

Personal Lock Down (Jeff The Killer X Reader)~CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now