26: How to be Smug

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Author's Note: "Any sentence or paragraph Italicized is more than likely an image from the past going through our main character's mind."

Author's Note: "Anything bold is more than likely indicating toward a time, place, point of view."

*Your Pov.*

*Present Time.*


       One week went by without any further incidents. Me and Jeff carried on our new secret lives peacefully and for the most part separately. Jeff had been keeping his distance and I had been ignoring his existence. We exchanged very few words here and there but nothing too expressive. We would eat together but he would hurry to finish his food first before leaving the table without a word.

       Strange enough, he's been very focused on his new hidden room. One of the times he actually spoke to me, he told me not to go near the closet. He would leave random things on the dining room table, signaling to me that those were okay to touch. They were simple things like puzzles, books and small toys such as a rubric cube to keep me busy.

       I didn't quite understand his methods but then again, who would? He's always blunt and impulsive, however, he hasn't been either this past week. We still share a single room together but Jeff doesn't come in until late and he gets up before I wake up. The only reason for why I know that he sleeps is because his side of the bed that I clean up in the morning is always a mess the next morning. It's as if he's trying to avoid confrontation, and something about that tics me off.

       The morning sun shone brightly in the sky. The clouds were all shades of pink and orange, bringing a sense of sweet harmony to my soul. It was as if I could finally breathe. I took in a deep breath of the morning air, the calming smell of the forest sending a chill down my spine.

"Sigh, this is the most calm I've felt in the last few months!" I gave a big stretch, allowing my hands to reach up as far as they could, part of me hoping that I could touch one of the beautiful clouds that painted the morning sky. A small smile tugged at my lips while my eyes kindly gazed at the nature that surrounds me.

       Maybe it's not so bad? I mean, living with a criminal who is threatening your whole life over some psychotic game of his just because he got bored and wanted a new 'toy' is probably one of the worst things that could happen to someone, but the moment I live in right now is something I wouldn't want to give up. It's the small moments like these that make me fired up and ready to face the day, even if it includes facing a crazy serial killer.

"That's right!" I held my hands in tight fists and brought them close to my chest, as if confronting my heart. "I won't let anything take away what's standing in front of me." With this new found determination sourcing through my veins, I gaze whole heartedly at the sky, as if the stars could hear me. "This is my future!"

"Glad you came to terms with it." Surprised by the sudden voice, I spin around and put my hands behind me as if to hide the fact that I was literally just cheering myself on. However, what came into my vision was my captivator, Jeff. He stood there with a smug look on his face, as if he just won a grand prize and he was mocking his opponent. His hair was pulled back while all he wore on his body was a simple white tee-shirt, his usual black jeans, and his only pair of boots.

       Seeing him made me unconsciously glare at him but the sudden events from the day before made my gaze waver. I thought I'd be prepared to face him head on, but he's acting like nothing happened. He just stood there as if everything was fine and dandy in the world, like he didn't do anything wrong the day before. With a slight scoff, I turn back to the direction of the forest, trying to ignore his lingering gaze. Unfortunately, the longer he stared, the more uncomfortable I felt. With the irritation I had growing in me, I snapped at Jeff, sending a long glare his way.

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