31: Family Dinner Gets Heated; Part 2

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~July 15th, 1986~

~Jane's POV~

As summer vacation came to a close, students and teachers made haste to prepare for the new year. Stores were swarmed with the typical delay of back to school shopping with parents stressing to get their kids supplies while said kids ran around causing trouble. Voices of laughter and frustration were all you could hear as you walked down the aisles.

"Hey Jane, what do you think about this one?" As I turned from a mother scolding her child, I meet the eyes of my own mother, holding up a Hello Kitty pencil case with a bright smile. I winced at the sight but couldn't bare the thought of telling her no when she looked so proud of the one she picked. So with small hesitance, I smiled.

"That looks great mom, I'm sure I'll rock the new year with that!" With an overjoyed look she nodded happily before tossing it into the cart and carrying on with the list. Sighing quietly to myself I glance back at the mother and child who stood across from us to see the child staring right at me. She looked to be a few years younger than me but she seemed so sweet and innocent. As I go to give her a smile she does the same and turns to her mother.

"Mama, that big kid got a hello kitty case!" Now, it would be one thing if she had said that because she wanted one too but with the way she laughed it was obvious she was mocking me. I couldn't hold back a dumbstruck look as I'd felt fooled for thinking she was so sweet moments before.

When her mom told her to settle down she looked back at me and stuck her tongue out. Feeling irked, it took everything inside me not to go pull on her pigtails knowing I'd get in trouble for "bullying" a child. So I did what anyone in my position would and I stuck my tongue right back at her, squinting my eyes in the process as if it would give me the upper hand.

"What did she do to rile you up?" Hearing a chuckle off on the sidelines, I glanced up to see an older boy standing there. Running his fingers through his shaggy, brown hair, it gave me a good view of the amused look in his green eyes, eyes that felt like they'd seen right through me. My faced began to burn as I quickly hid my tongue behind my lips and covered my mouth, an attempt to gather back my composure.

'To get caught playing at a child's level by such a cute guy, just my luck!'

Glancing back at the child and her mother, I see they are no longer there and checking behind me at my own mother I see her further down the aisle looking at notebooks. As I shook my head, I return my gaze to the boy who was still clearly amused.

"For your information, she started it. I was just ending it." Trying to pull off a confident act was slowly failing me since I could still feel how hot my face was but I couldn't help feeling awkward taking on any other route. What was I suppose to do? Admit that my pride was wounded by a brat? That would hurt my pride more!

"That's cute." The giggle that came from him only made my condition worse as I tried my best not to dash to my mother's side. Taking a deep breath, I muster up my courage and look straight at him.

"I wasn't about to let a child get the upper hand." He lifted an eyebrow and his grin widened.

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