30: Family Dinner Gets Heated; Part 1

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"I take it back," I groan in defeat. "I hope the cops caught that bank robber." Living the situation was nothing like I thought it would be. Rooting for the bad guy in all of those action movies was not the best idea. I had dreams of becoming a badass gangster or joining a mafia and doing wicked jobs, but I can't even handle noises in a cabin.

       There's no way I could pull anything like jumping from a helicopter while shooting off rapid fire at the enemy. Shaking my head in annoyance, I was about to stand up when a certain page caught my eye. Pulling the paper out of it's box, I realize it's an old news paper from 1986 and the headline in black, bold letters say; Family Dinner Gets Heated.

       Below the headline was a picture of an old, burnt down house. You could see the remains of an old sink and bathtub, with bits and pieces of glass shards spread around the ground. The out front of the house that probably had a full land of grass was non existent, there was so much ash covering it. The rest of the story line continued in columns of two, reading left to right.

       'On October 29th, 1986, a fire broke loose in the Woods' home; recent new comers to our small town in Philadelphia. The victims to the fire were Barbra and John Woods, parents of two boys; Liu and Jeffery Woods.'

       My eyes stopped upon the given name of Jeffery Woods. Now that I think about it, I never caught his last name. I only just recently discovered his first name is Jeffery, but what if this story is about him? I mean, why else would he have this news report from so long ago?

Then I caught my breath.

"Wait, so long ago?" Taking another look at the date this paper was written I realize that this story was written over thirty years prior to now.

"So if this is Jeff, this means he's over thirty years old? Possibly even forty?" For someone who's so childish- No, it wasn't even about how childish he was, he looks way too young to be in his twenties let alone thirties. He looks like a teenager, possibly around my age. If his skin was normal and he didn't have that forced smile cut into his face, I bet he'd look really young. Young enough that that attitude of his would be rather normal. The attitude of an emotional teenage boy.

Shaking my head I continued where I left off;

       'The family of four moved into their new home on July 7th of 1986 where the Woods' boys attended Samuel J. Middle School; a public school with the highest testing rates in Philadelphia. While the boys were off to their studies, John Woods focused on his next photography project while his wife Barbra Woods focused on her new fashion line for this upcoming winter collection. Unfortunately, the weekend before both parents were to release their new works, an unforeseen latter of events took place.

       Their children Liu and Jeffery Woods had taken part in their next door neighbor's birthday party where a fire broke out, injuring three children. However, Jeffery woods took the brunt of the damage when his whole body was engulfed into flames. It didn't help when two kids at the party thought they were helping put out the fire by pouring bleach onto the boy. Their statement was "We did not know that it was bleach and thought the liquids would stop the fire from spreading." The parents had asked that the three children remained unidentified in case of future backlash due to this mistake.

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