54: You

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*Narrator's POV*

*Present Time*

"Well, that was easy enough!" Jane looks down at Jeffrey's body with a satisfied grin. Watching his hand hit the ground as soon as June knocked him unconscious was quite a sight to see. Part of her was a little disappointed that she didn't get to do it but the results were still the same.

"Yes, who knew that out of all the things in this world that could bring about my little brother's demise, it would be love." Liu spoke in distaste as he looked over his little brothers body while standing up "Tie him up then put him on the couch."

Doing as he says, June grabbed around Jeff's torso and lifted him up from the floor. While he dragged him over to the couch, Liu stepped over to where Tom laid. Looking at the blood that came from his head, Liu couldn't help but grimace at Earful he was going to get later. No harm was supposed to come to Tom. He was just the bait to bring Jeff in. However, he was worried that if he didn't back Jeff into a corner that it would give him time to form a plan. Liu was not going to take any risks when his revenge was so close to being completed.

Looking down at his clock, Liu assumed it would be a little longer before their secret guest arrived. Sully had been in full control whenever this person was around. He said that it would have been a huge risk if Liu recognized this person outside of the job. Of course Liu trusted Sully and did not ask any further questions. After all, Sully wanted this just as much as Liu did.

Liu couldn't help but give a pitiful laugh at the fan club his little brother had. Everyone gathered to witness Jeff's downfall. After all of the pain and misery he has caused, tonight would finally be the night they avenged those they loved. Tonight would be the night that Liu avenged his little brother's death. He has thought about the night of the fire every day since it's happened.

He didn't remember too much about that night but the outcome was clear enough. What Jeff did to their parents, to Jane, to him. Hell, it's sickened him to even call him by his little brother's name. The thing that laid a few feet away from him was not the brother he remembers. His Jeffery would never harm a soul.

He was kind, patient, giving. He had a bit of a temper and didn't handle his shyness very well but he would make things right at the end of the day. So whatever the hell was laying on that couch, it was not Jeffrey. And Liu had been waiting all of these years to finally dispose of this imposter.

"Ugh..." hearing a grown coming from under him, Liu looked down to see Tom barely moving. Nonetheless, waking up only minutes after being knocked unconscious was very impressive.

"Well damn..." Liu chuckled as he knelt down, placing his elbows on his knees and ruffling Tom's bloodied hair. "I can see where your girl gets her spark from."

"(Y/N)..." Tom breathed out as his eyebrows creased. Sighing at the pathetic display before him, Liu wiped the blood that got on his hand off on Tom's shirt before patting his back and standing back up.

"Some people don't know when to accept reality. Dead is dead. But if you'd like..." With his lips turning up in the corners, Liu felt a shiver of joy run throughout his body as looked at the couch where Jeffery laid. "I could help you to meet her on the other side."

He waited a few seconds but heard no response. Soon his devilish smile turned to a cold frown after realizing that Tom more than likely lost consciousness again.

"Spark, huh? I retract my previous state-" June was cutoff by a sudden gunshot and felt the hot air of something passing right by him. Freezing in place, Liu looked up to where June stood, his gun pointed almost perfectly aimed at Liu. "June..?"

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