53: Game Over

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*Present Time*
*Narrator's POV*

Closing the door behind him, Jeff felt his heart sink knowing this would be the last time he would ever get to touch you. To talk to you, tease you, be under the same roof let alone the same room. Getting into that car would mean letting you go completely.

That was the whole plan this entire time. Figure out what his brother was doing and get you back to safety. After all, you were too kind to let anything bad happen to. You were rash, harsh, and a bit of a dreamer. You are antisocial, closed off, cautious. But at the end of the day you were thoughtful and you always put Tom first.

After this life-threatening experience Jeff was sure that you would take life more seriously and that you would try to get in more engaged with the world around you. That way, just maybe, him letting you go wouldn't be for nothing. Maybe you would go on and change somebody's life for the better. Maybe you would stop people like him from turning into their worst selves.

If this was the case, it was worth it. However, Truth be told, there was a big part of him that wanted to say screw it and take you somewhere very far away. He wanted to protect you and give you a life that you deserved. He wanted to let you see the world and open yourself up to all of us opportunities. Take you away from all the negativity, all of the people, the danger. But he knew as long as Tom was involved, nothing that Jeff had to offer would suit you. And God for bid anything happen to Tom, your hero... that's why he vowed to protect him.

Jeff will protect Tom, the man who saved you and you who saved him. But the only way he could do this with by letting you go. It was quite the fucked up Ending to your story but nonetheless, he would read it again and again. Well, maybe he would stop after the kissing scene so he didn't have to relive the decision he'd ultimately regret forever.

Sighing to himself, he tighten the grip on the door knob as if he were putting all his feelings and emotions and love into it. As if somehow you would receive all of that when you touched it. As cheesy as it sounded, it did make him feel slightly better. Smiling bitterly to himself, he headed out to the parking lot and got into the car.

Starting the engine, he gave your room one last look, contemplating for the briefest moment if he should do this. But the moment he thought what your reaction would look like if you heard something that happened to Tom... He put the car in drive and exited the complex.

Headed down a dark road with trees surrounding on both sides for miles, Jeff didn't know how to keep his thoughts in one place. While he knew they had Tom about now, he didn't know exactly where they would be. His best bet was your house and that's where he was headed but what was he going to do when he got there?

He knew his brother had a team of people with him but just how many were there? Jeff pretty much abandoned his own family when he chose you and he wouldn't have asked them for help either way. This was a mess he made and he was responsible for it. He didn't know how he was going to save Tom but he knew no matter what nothing was going to stop him. Even if that means sacrificing his own life in exchange for your uncles.

So as he drove to the place you would forever call home, with every doubt that came to his mind, he replaced it with a memory. He grew up with a wonderful family but because of him all of that was taken away. He was not about to let his past unravel your future. He didn't want anything to happen to the one person, who for even just a moment, thought of him as a prince.

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