56: What is Loyalty?

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*Present Time*

*Your POV*

"Please help me."

I heard the sound of the gun clicking against the floor as he picked it up. Along with the sounds of his clothes rustling and his groans as he struggled to stand from his position. And then with heavy but slow steps, he moved toward me until he was standing right in front of me. He stood there for what felt like an eternity, not saying a word.

Even his breathing seemed none existent but I refused to look up. I know it was my bad for asking a bad man for help, for surrendering the one thing that would protect me and Tom but it was my last move, a risk I was willing to take. Therefore I didn't have the right to complain.

I saw his shadow moving as his clothes rushed some more and I quickly connected the dots when I felt a cold piece of metal being held against my head.

The barrel of the gun.

"Really can't tell if you're courageous... or stupid."

Without waiting for an answer, he pulled the trigger.

What followed after wasn't the sound I had grown used to but instead a loud click. I'd braced myself, prepared to die, but it felt like ages passed as I sat there, not understanding why I was still breathing. Part of me wanted to look up at the man. I wanted to know how he was looking at me, what he was thinking, what he was playing at. But I couldn't help but think if I looked up now, he'd choose then to pull the trigger.

The thought made my blood run cold but at the same time I couldn't sit here forever. I couldn't keep playing these games, where I was constantly on their time. I was almost certain I heard him pull the trigger and the barrel of the gun was still pressed firmly against my skull. Yet I was still alive.

The only explanation I could think of was...

"Either you knew you were out of bullets and you're using this whole stunt as a last resort to gain my trust so I help you with your lover boy..."

So I really used up the last of the bullets on Jane...

"Or you're telling me the truth and that would mean Liu is about to do something Sully will make sure he regrets later. But do you really expect me to believe that?"

Wait, is he willing to hear me out?

Without a moment to lose my eyes dashed up to meet his and there he stood before me, barrel in my face, glaring down at me. He wasn't sure what to believe and I might be crazy for thinking this but my last resort is this man so I have no choice but to get him to believe me! I know part of the deal was that me and Tom were meant to be left unharmed but if that were the case, wouldn't he have gone with the other two? It's not like I'd know where they were going, that's why I need this man's help now.

So why stay behind?

Wouldn't that put me at an advantage?

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