12: Knife Of Protection, Letter Of Property...

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*Present Time*
*Your Pov.*

Sitting on the porch, I looked off into the nothing as lonely tears slipped from my eyes. My throat was rough and my eyes were sore, I couldn't cry anymore. It's as if all source of feeling left me, making me just stare and let out anything I had left in an emotionless state.

I felt numb.

I sighed deeply as the last tear left my eyes, leaving a long, hot stream down my right cheek. I looked up at the cloudy, dark sky, my eyes shown from the moon light. It was still raining, in fact it was raining even harder. I listened to the sound of the rain pounding on the roof and concrete floor.


My head shot to the left where I heard the sound of a branch breaking under something. I slowly but steadily stood up and looked round. Once I saw nothing I was about to shake it off and sit back down but a feeling inside my stomach told me otherwise.

It was my weariness.

I knew there was something wrong now. I stood up straight and brave to seem more intimidating, setting my curious yet annoyed glare on my surroundings. Although, on the inside I was pretty scared. I don't know what that could have been. Could it have been a giant bear? I should probably go inside. Oh wait, what if it's a lost traveler? Should I call out?

I thought back and forth on what I should do before I heard another sound.


My eyes widened slightly as I walked to the left side of the porch and looked for what made the sound. Whatever it was, it was getting closer. Taking probably the most smart path, I quickly walked to my front door and went inside, closing it behind me. I ran around the house, closing doors and windows, making sure everything was sealed and not accessible.

Of course this person or whatever it was could break a window but the I could just grab my keys and go the the garage. That would get me enough time to make it to the police station.

Finally, I stopped in the middle of the living room, listening carefully to make sure there wasn't any other noise. The only thing I heard was my breathing that was a bit shaky from my nervous posture. Pouting at myself, I gathered myself together and slouched in shame.

'Way to go (Name)! Worlds biggest idiot! I'm in the god damn woods! Who's going to be all the way out-'

I was caught off guard from my self banter when I heard voices sound from upstairs. My eyes grew wide and my body became shaky. I don't know what to do. There shouldn't be anyone up there. I live alone now.

Quietly, I began for the kitchen. I snuck in and raced to one of the brown drawers that I yanked open, making all the sharp butcher knives move around in there. Carefully, I glanced behind me as I reached in to grab a weapon.

"Fuck!" I restrained to scream but it was hard. My eyes went straight to drawer filled with sharp knifes and I realized there was blood. I pulled out my hand to find that one had stabbed me in the palm. I mentally threw curse words at the stupid mistake as I grimaced about the pain.

I looked in the drawer where I saw the knife that stabbed me and then back at my hand to see how deep the wound was. I wiped the blood that kept blocking the sight of my hand but every time I touched the wound I flinched.

"God damn-"


I automatically froze in my spot, not paying a single mind to the pain in my hand and blood dripping onto the kitchen floor, just keeping my mind on what that noise was. Once again, it had came from upstairs. I could feel as the fear raced into my heart, veins, and eyes. My breath shaky as tears began to brim in my (E/C) orbs.

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