52: Anna

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*Present Time*

*Your POV*

Where this was most definitely your babysitter from before, she didn't have the same air around her that you remembered. There was something different, something that felt familiar. You couldn't put your finger on it but this whole situation seemed like Deja vu'. Turning so that your arms were behind you, you carefully wrapped the entire shard of glass in the wash cloth and stuck it in your waist band before pulling your shirt over it.

I didn't think about the consequences of my actions, just what might happen to Jeff if I didn't take this chance. It was quick, without a thought, and she didn't have time to dodge. The only thing she could do was jerk the wheel in an attempt to prevent me from getting any closer. Unfortunately that did not work in her favor.

Where I had used the washcloth to protect my own hand, the pressure between her neck and the glass made the other edges cut through and dig into my hand. When she jerked the wheel in an attempt to get away from me it threw me back against the car door, moving my hand directly across her throat, slicing it wide open. Against the wet pavement the wheels couldn't catch traction for how fast she had been going before and slid out of control.

Gripping onto my seatbelt that was now locked in place for safety, I squeeze my eyes shut and held my breath. I was half expecting the car to hit an angle where it would flip or worse I would open them to find it and I was perfectly alive and in that case I would be as good as dead. Part of me never wanted this car to stop because I didn't want to see the outcome. Hell, this chick cheated death for god's sake!

Then the other part of me wanted it to stop as soon as possible so I can get to Tom and Jeff. Right now they were out numbered and the other team didn't care who lived or died. To be honest, I don't know if Jeff cares either or how he feels about his Brother. He has never made an attempt to go after him, only to run away. That had me in one way or another he still cared for him and I was afraid that was going to get him killed.


 Just as I was praying for the best outcome, I heard a loud crash as my body lunged forward but luckily the belt held me in place. I could feel sure it's a glass cave-in on top of me and something in my chest pop just like when you crack your fingers or back. However, this time there was an immediate pain that came right after. The gasp that followed only made it hurt worse as a clenched at My shirt and attempted to study my breathing.

Opening my eyes, my vision is a blur and I see stars more than anything. However I could smell the smoke coming from the car and whenever I shifted I could feel glass falling around me. Coughing due to the smoke that I inhaled, I winced is the pain in my chest got worse. Frustrated that I couldn't see a thing, I blinked rapidly so I could get a better understanding of my situation. I didn't hear Anna and I didn't know what we hit. Hell, the car could be on fire and I wouldn't know.

I went to reach for the door handle and see if I could open it but I was worried about what I would step on and creating more problems for myself just because I couldn't see. Tightening my fist around my shirt I took a deep, slow, painful breath as I leaned back into my seat and close my eyes. This was taking too long and the longer I sat here the longer it would take for me to get to them. Hell, I don't even know if they are still alive. I'm going on the gamble that they wouldn't start with Anna and I'm praying that I'm right.

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