23: Unlucky Girl...

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*Your Pov.*

*Present Time*

My (E/C) eyes overlooked the night sky, thousands of stars twinkling around the biggest moon I had ever seen. It was purely white and bright just like the tiny stars. The scene was as if it was taken from a cheesy romance movie that would bring tears to any girl's eyes. It was so perfect, as if a girl's dream come true. You know, how girls pray and wait for the day their knight and shining armor will come sweet them off their feet with poetic words and shower them in love? Sometimes I wish I could be that lucky girl.

Although the mood slightly changes as my orbs look down. Before me is a cliff that leads to a dark abyss. I can't see anything outwards or below me. It's as if the rest of the world was swallowed whole, never to see the light ever again. Although the question ponders in my head.

'What if it was daylight out?'

If it was daylight out would I be able to see anything? What would be down there? What if there's nothing but ash and rocks? What about dinosaur fossils or skeletons of the dead? What if it's just a lower town so far out of sight that I can't see the lights that shine on the streets? What about if there's wolves or wild animals, preying on whatever they lay their eyes on? It's quite amazing how one little question can make your imagination spread wider and wider, getting to the point where it conjures up the unthinkable.

The sound of the light breeze of the warm summer wind surrounds me, blowing my hair back behind me as well as the long, white veil before the sound of a loaded and cocked gun penetrates it. My eyebrows furrow for only a moment in confusion before my eyes widen in acknowledgement. Slowly, fear filling my every move, I turn around to meet the sight of death. Becoming too sure of it, I close my eyes, not wanting to see the trap I was in.

Do you know that moment when you are so sure of one thing that it makes your insides stir and goosebumps run up and down your arms along with the shivering down your spine. The all too familiar feeling that you then know that you are 110% right? That's what I was exactly feeling right now. Shaky breaths leave my throat as I felt my bare feet slowly turn on the soft, green grass. My head tilted down, afraid of the daring moment where I would open my eyes and see what was right there.

Right before I had fully turned around, pain began to soar through my feet and the bottom of the were becoming wet. I open my eyes and come to see the floor. What had used to be beautiful, lively grass was now broken, sharp pieces of glass. A gasp leaves my lips as tears brim at my eyes. My own blood began to stain the shattered pieces. A deep chuckle is heard ahead of me, but do I dare lift my head? Would I dare?

The answer to that is unknown for it was too late to think too much on before the gun shot pierced the air along with my bloody scream.

My eyes peel open as I come face to face with a white wall. My eyes felt a little droopy but my head didn't want them to close. It wanted to look around and identify the room. I looked up at the ceiling and saw light dripping in from somewhere, so binding my head back a little more, I see that there is a window above me with the moonlight shining in. A small chuckle leaves my lips as my eyes lock with the full moon just outside before I close my eyes again and turn to my other side with a small grunt.

I took steady breaths as I let my body relax and my mind wonder. Suddenly a shifting in the bed was made but I was not the one who did it. I didn't move. Then something laid on my waist, wrapping around the best it could and keeping me in its embrace. For some reason, it was really comfortable. A small smile graced my lips before I scooted a little closer to the warmth -the room being freezing- and snuggling up against the heat provider. A small yawn escaped my lips as I slowly peeked my eyes open. Although I did not expect coming face to face with a psychotic killer.

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