51: Coward's Strength

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*Present Time*

*Your POV*

"Jeff was..." I vaguely recalled something like that happening. I don't remember much from meeting Tom the first time. All I knew was that that was the only time I saw him while my parents were still alive. But I do remember running. I remember the boulder and scraping myself up. And I do remember Tom carrying me back home. However, I don't remember what happened in between. But I know she's telling the truth since these events did occur. But to think it was Jeff who saved me back then.

"So that's why he knew the moment he saw Tom that it was false intel. He was already well passed the age, if he was part of the secret circle, he would have been on the list back then." So that's how he knew..

"So that means that Tom was-"

"Never in danger to begin with." The way Anna said it seemed sour as her eyes glared at the road. "Jeffery knew something was off and when he looked further into it, that's how he somehow found out that I was connected. Of course because of past encounters he knows that I've connections to Liu and so he assumed that you were in danger and took this chance to strike up a little game in order to get you far away."

But that would mean that this entire time this psychopath was actually protecting me?

"Then why not just tell me? Why not just come clean instead of acting like the bad guy!?" It made no sense. He obviously knows I'd do anything for Tom so why threaten him instead of just telling me what was going on? I would have cooperated!

"Because he didn't want you falling apart." In the midst of my anger and confusion, her words stopped me in my tracks. Looking up at Anna, her face was unusual. She looked completely serious which made me feel uneasy. "Little Rebel, you have a fire in you. You're quick to toss around threats and act like you're not scared but the truth is when you know something bad is going to happen that you can't control, you're a coward. He understood this and knew the only way you wouldn't break is if the unknown was staring you down."

"What does that mean?"

"When people messed with you at school, you were quick to knock them down because you already knew what to expect from them. However, when the your first love suddenly pushed you down by force in your own bedroom, you weren't expecting it and it left you with a scar." Freezing in my seat, I was shocked that she knew about what happened with my ex. Clenching my fists, I felt goosebumps run across my skin. How long has she been watching? "He knew if you didn't know the enemy you'd lose your shit with all of your what if's and in the end your fear would win out. However, if he made himself into the enemy and gave you some rules, he knew you'd win that little game of yours."

My mind was utterly blank. I couldn't believe that the man I'd been fighting with was actually the good guy in the story. This man who left bodies, killed his own family, has a new family filled with possibly ancient serial killers?! And he's the good guy?!

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