19: Kill Me Now...

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*Your Pov.*
*Present Time*

Darkness and pain. Two things that were currently at war this moment. The complete blackness tried to allow me to fall into a world full of freedom and relaxation but the pain didn't want such a thing. In fact, it would allow it's most sharpest tricks to snipe at my most delicate areas. It was all in my head.

Confusion was the first to strike me. What had happened? Why does my head hurt? Why did I have the most fucked up dream last night? Then when I had least expected it, lights flashed by me, pictures racing around me, voices filling my head. Everything, all the activities from last night returned.

It was my birthday. My eighteenth birthday in fact. My uncle had called me early to wish me a happy birthday and sorrows, regret and emotional pain had torn into me. My best thoughts had to be to get wasted. Heh, this reminds me of those old movies where the chick gets drunk and end up in bed with a guy which pretty much ruins her life...

I shot up in my bed, eyes wide and head pounding but I couldn't think on that. I felt a tug on my waist, making me bite my lip to hold back a scream. Thinking of the worst, I slowly looked to my left to see the most horrifying thing in my life. Next to me was the one 'being' I never wanted sleeping with me let alone being near me.

A shriek left my lips as I fell out of the bed. The smiling killer quickly rose in alarm as I pushed back away from the bed. He looked around the room before his unblinking eyes fell upon me. At first I was scared out of my mind but soon anger coursed through me.

"What the fuck, happened last night!" I demanded as I got to my feet and gave the killer an accusing look. He tilted his head before looking down at himself. He smirked, allowing me to know that last night was something he'd remember and had enjoyed.

"The usual." He looked up at me, his face screaming cocky. "Me and you were arguing at first and then," He took a moment to scan me. "Well, things got a little kinky." My face went from pure anger to pure horror. I looked down at myself to see I was still dressed from last night. I quickly looked up at the smiling freak and sent him a glare.

"You fucking prick!" I yelled as I grabbed one of my pillows and began to beat him with it. He laughed loudly as he blocked it with his hands.  This only lead me to hitting harder with it. But to my dismay, he grabbed it and yanked, making me fall forward. I caught myself with my feet but kept tripping. Soon I found myself wrapped in the killer's arms.

I looked down at him to see that my legs were in between his. He had his knees bent so they were holding my hips. My hands were on either side of his head while his were on my waist. A bright shade of red crept its way onto my cheeks. I looked at the killer as he grinned up at me. I glared down at him before going to get up. Though he wouldn't let go.

"I don't think so princess." The smiling idiot taunted, making me grow more angry. I sent him an infuriating glare before I a gasp left my lips, my body being swung over. I looked up to see the killer straddling my hips, his left hand holding my wrists above my head while the other one was at the side of my dead. He gave me a big grin before bending down next to my ear, making my heart rate pick up. Who does he think he is!? This is not how you treat a girl!

"Get the hell off of me you smiling freak." I shouted as I struggling beneath him but all he did was laugh and look at me.

"Freak huh? So now you wanna get freaky?" My eyes widened as I shook my head.

"Hell to the no!" I yell as I thrash beneath him. His laughter filed my ears but soon he got off of me and fell to the side, laying next to me. I gave him a cautious look and when he looked towards my way he smirked.

"So, last night." He laid on his side, using his arm to keep his head up. I glared at him before groaned and falling back on my bed. Soon I sighed and decided to get ready. I'll ask him later why he was in my bed with me. That will end in a lecture.

"I'm going to get ready." I said as I stood up and headed for my bathroom, the killer himself following me.

"Let me help you." I could heart the smirk in his voice. I quickly turned around and shoved him out of the bathroom.

"Thank you for the offer but I'm good!" And with that I slammed the door shut and locked it. I heard his laughter ring out but then loud footsteps make way downstairs. I leaned up against the white door and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath, in and out. I opened my eyes and scanned the bathroom before shaking my head.

He might be in my life now, but he won't ruin my first year as a young adult. I am in a country where I am free. I am not his property. I smiled to myself as I nodded my head, putting the information straight. I walked over to the shower and turned it on, making sure that the dial was set on warm. With that I rid my clothes, placing them in the laundry basket before stepping into the warm water.

I shivered under the warm water as it rinsed over my skin. I closed the curtains to block out the cold and so that the steam will take up more space, keeping me incased with the heat. I tilted my head back, fingers running through my hair as I let the water soak the (H/C) coating. Taking a deep breath, I turned around to let the water run down the front of me and bent over an got some (Shampoo Brand) in my hands before scrubbing it together and massaging it into my scalp. I then turned back around after about sixty seconds and washed it all out. I did the same with the conditioner.

Afterwards I scrubbed my body down with soap, including my face to get any make-up off that was remaining on my face. After washing all of that off, I wrung my hair out and stepped out of the shower, into the cold air. Goosebumps decorated my skin as I quickly grabbed a towel from the cabinets and wrapped it around me, covering any parts I didn't want to be shown.

Quietly unlocking the door, I peeked my head out to see that the killer was not in sight. I opened the door a bit more and slipped out, gently closing it behind me. I tip toed to my closet quickly but almost shrieked when I heard loud laughter from downstairs. Placing a hand over my heart, I took a deep breath before scowling at my bedroom door. Taking the chance I ran over to the closet and quickly got on (www.polyvore.com/personal_lock_do...), not wanting the killer to walk in and see me.

I checked myself over to make sure there was nothing that the smiling idiot could be perverted about and that was when I realized I was wearing a shirt that showed most of my stomach. I groaned and was about to go back to my closet to change when an arm wrapped around my waist and tugged me back against a hard chest.

"Looking very sexy now aren't we?" Oh, kill me now!

"Ugh! Go away!" I groaned once more as I struggled to get out of his arms but he kept a good hold.

"Now now, no need to be so mean." He chuckled darkly in my ear, making shivers run through my spine.

"Yes there is!" I struggled more but that just lead him to laughing at me. Finally he let me go and I stumbled trying to stay standing. I turned around and gave the smiling freak a very deadly glare, making him hold his hands up in surrender but nothing could hide that certain glint in his eyes to tell me he was very amused by all of this. Crossing my arms, I scanned him. I couldn't keep calling him all these names.

"Checking me out now are we? You're a confusing one." I know he would have winked if he could but he had no eyelids. I sent him another glare before sighing.

"For almost four months we've known each other's existence. You know my name, so what's yours?" I asked. He looked down at me with a smirk.

"Why should I tell you?" He asked as he moved closer to me. "I mean, don't you love a good mystery?" He was now inches away from my body, looking down at me. That's when I realized he was about seven inches taller then me. He chin reached just an inch above the top of my head.

"Fine, I guess Joker wanna-be or Smiley will do." I say as I go to push past him but instead gasp from my back meeting a wall. The killer towered over me, starring me down. We starred at each other for a few moments before he spoke.

"Jeff." He growled and looked away, taking a few steps away from me. I tilted my head at his sudden change of mood. Furrowing my eyebrows, I head for the door.

"Okay, I'm going to go out and get breakfast." I stop at the door and glance back at him, seeing him glaring at me. "Want anything?" In a flash I was pulled back into my room and my bedroom door slammed shut, my back pressing against it as Jeff towered over me once again, his grin larger than usual.

"I want you." He whispered as he placed his head next to mine. Fuck my life.

"Fuck off, man!" I growled as I tried to push him away. What the fuck! He was just glaring at me and now he's being perverted again? The hell? Is he bipolar!?

"Rather you did it for me." I gasped at this and roughly pushed him away, making him stumble back. I quickly opened my door and raced downstairs, a laughing killer behind me. Oh, kill me now.


Hope you guys enjoyed and have a great day! :)

-The Regretful.

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