11: Dare To Cry...

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*Present Time*

On a dimmed porch in the woods, 15 minutes from town was (Name) who sat in a white wooden chair, her knees hugged to her chest with her chin resting on top of them. Tears rolled down her face one by one as she just sat there and let memories flash by. Memories from when Tom first took her in to earlier when he got in his car and left.

She remembered all the times they would make up pranks and try them on the poor people down in town. All those people had to deal with them. All those times they set up camp right out front and told scary stories and spooked each other out. The many of times that (Name) did something stupid and had to be rushed to the hospital for stitches or to be checked on.

All these countless memories rushed through (Name)'s head, bringing a small smile to her face that soon was forced into a frown as she began to sulk. She has been sitting on that porch for a hours now. It had been getting cloudy all day and the smell of rain filled the air.

It would be best if (Name) went inside and she knew it but she couldn't stand, she could barely move. She felt numb. Instead, she just sat there cuddled up as she thought of ll the times that made her smile... All those wonderful memories that she knew she would be laughing at in the future... Though look at her now.

She took a couple deep breaths as she tried to keep good thoughts and tried to reassure herself of the future. Slowly raindrops fell from the sky, one by one, gradually growing, until the rain was pounding on the roof and floor. (Name) couldn't hold it anymore. The 17 year old girl completely broke down...

Off in the shadows was a tall, dark figure who hid within the trees and blackness of the night. His forever opened eyes stared at the young girl who hopelessly sobbed on the dimmed porch of the night. Currently it was 11 at night, almost 12.

He expected her to go in earlier but she made no move. The raven black haired boy leaned up against a tall pine tree as he stared at her. A frown tugged its best at the killer's lips but his scarred mouth didn't allow him to do much, but you could see the little bit of sorrow in his eyes.

Who knew that the killer could feel such an emotion?

He didn't. He shouldn't be feeling anything other than the urge to kill. Yet here he is stalking this poor, depressed girl as all he wants to do is hold her close and away from the world, threatening anyone who makes a move near her or even puts a single word threat towards her.

He wanted to slaughter anyone who took her away or looked at her lustfully or with any affection to do with love or hate. He's the only one who can feel such emotions for her. Though, no matter how much he tries to hate her, looks for any reason to hate her, all he finds is more reasons to fall insanely in love with her and it sickens him. Yet, it also makes him feel something that killing normally does...

It makes him feel alive.

More alive than watching someone fear him, giving him total power. He wondered what would make him feel more powerful, more appealed... Holding an actual heart of his victim and feeling it beat in his own paper white hands or metaphorically owning (Name)'s, knowing that she's his.

These emotions did confuse the killer. He hated how he felt for (Name) but he also couldn't get enough. The thought of her being his was quite alluring. She was his. All his. He owned her and she needed to know that.

The killer looked thoughtfully at the ground before anger and insanity bean to take over...

Yes, his. All his. How dare she cry!? How dare she challenge him at his own game!? She should be begging for him for her life and handing herself over to him!

The bipolar like killer growled darkly as he moved closer and closer to (Name)'s porch. Anger bubbling inside him as he stared at the sobbing girl.

How dare she cry over someone that wasn't him!?

Something took over the killer right then. Something that has been hidden deep down inside him since the very first day he layed eyes on her. This feeling inside that ate him from the inside out and made his monster inside growl in pure delight and anger. He felt something that he has never felt before.

He's felt anger, pain, hatred, all the negative things that you could possibly imagine. Envy, lust, all these things during his kills were felt but this feeling... Oh this feeling was something that he knew wouldn't ever go away. It's as if he has been cursed with this new affection and there was no getting out. He knew he was in a dead end zone and now he'll be damned if he would ever let anyone get near (Name).

He was obsessed.

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