49: Missing Pieces

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*Your POV*

*Present Time*

"About a week later he got arrested for beating up some well-known middle school kids. When he was let go, everyone at school shunned him, said horrible things, spread and added onto rumors. He began acting weirder, colder and before I knew it my theory was correct." Anna focused on the dark road ahead of us, occasionally eyeing the rear view mirror, as if she was expecting someone to be following us.

"...What theory was that exactly?" I was in disbelief at what had happened to Liu. For one person to go through so much in a short period of time. I was having an even harder time believing that the Anna I knew was capable of doing something so horrible to someone who truly loved her.

"That Sully wasn't just some imaginary friend. Liu is Sully. I'm guessing that when I, the person he trusted and loved, said that he should forgive Sully and trust that he was only trying to protect him, that's exactly what Liu did. He no longer viewed him as a threat and when shit got bad, it gave Sully a reason to break through. Seeing how Liu was constantly getting hurt, Sully is being used as a defense mechanism." The way her eyes lit up at her own words made my skin crawl.

"So you're saying-"

"That I triggered Sully and this entire misunderstanding? Yes, I did." Anna claimed proudly but it still made no sense.

"Wait, I thought Jeff triggered Sully? The night of the fire."

"No, little rebel. In fact, it's the other way around!" My confusion was apparent as she chuckled, using a spare hand to pat my head that I leaned away from but failed to escape. "You see, everyone knew from the papers and rumors that Jeff didn't seem... normal. I mean, it must have been a traumatic event after all! So I thought, if Liu is mentally unstable, what are the chances that because of their genetics Jeff could be the same way? Especially since he was a kid and more prone to trauma."

"I'm not following..." Sighing, she glanced at me.

"I triggered Liu and Liu triggered Jeffery."

"How in the Hell is that even possible?"

"When Sully came forward, Liu took a long-deserved nap. In that time, Sully took the wheel and asked me to help him orchestrate a plan to get rid of Jeffery."

"I thought you said that sully wanted to protect Liu..."

"Aren't you curious about where your father plays into this?"

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