3: An Addiction

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*Present Time.*
*Your Pov.*

       Hours pass and the only things I do is sit and watch horror movies, dance around the house with music on full blast, play video games, and try out new combinations of outfits. Sometimes I'd go out and explore the woods but it's getting really cold. Normally the cold wouldn't bother me except for the fact I have no clue where my big fuzzy (F/c) boots are.

       I sit on the sill of my window, starring out into the deep, crowded woods as many clouds ride by, looking as if it were to rain. I had on some fuzzy (f/c) socks, black sweats, and a (f/c) sweater. My big comforter was wrapped around me as I thought about the wish I made one week ago;

'Bring me my guardian angel, a badass one who will steal my heart.'

       I sighed as I rested my forehead against the cold window. It honestly felt really nice. My mind was racing with the thought of my wish. Will I ever find the right guy...? Will I ever get any guy!? I groaned as my future popped into my head. All I could see was me... Being alone. I haven't been good with relationships ever since I was cheated on with my only ex. That's right, I am 17 and only have had one boyfriend. That was when I wanted to get into society... Horrible idea.

       I want a badass, someone who will care for me and make me smile. Someone I can smirk and say; 'He's mine.' when he takes someone down in a fight. I want someone who is sweet but feisty. Someone who will argue back but will love me for me. Someone who won't give a damn about my up's or down's, he'll love all of it. Someone who will make me happy.

       I frowned a bit as I looked down at the bottom of the window, the silver part. I ran my right hand along it, feeling the cold, smooth metal run along my finger tips. I gave a soft smile at the through of the perfect guys before frowning, realizing that I won't have that man most likely. They'll probably give me some wimp of a man who will make my life boring, won't think twice to argue and will try too hard to make me happy.That isn't real love.

       Now if I think back to where me and Uncle Tom had our 'permission to date a criminal' talk, he's right. I have trust issues. The last person I would probably date would be a criminal. I'd be too afraid if they hurt Tom or use me. I can't get another broken heart and letting a criminal in my life will most likely get me just that.

       Sighing, I stood up and went downstairs to the living room where I turned on the t.v and DVD player. I put in (f/h/m) and took a seat on the couch, still having my blanket wrapped around me. I needed to get all my screams out so watching a horror movie might do me just that.

*An hour later.*
*Narrator Pov.*

He stood in the shadows, a couple feet from her living room window as he just watched her.


       That's her name. He learned more about her as he stalked for the past week. The longer he watches, the more addicted he becomes. She's not a fearful girl, she's a total badass who doesn't go down without a fight. She loves the music he does such as; Green day, My Chemical Romance, Manifest, and much more. She has some patience -more than himself- and she also has a pretty close relationship with her Uncle, Tom.

       She has beautiful (e/c) eyes, soft (h/c) hair, her hour-glass figure shows off many curves and her attitude... Oh, don't get him started on her attitude. She's definitely a challenge. Though, when he shows himself to her, how strong will she stay then?

       He chuckled darkly as he thought of terror filling her eyes. She's what he needs, her fear, her heart, her trust... All of her. He heard her little wish and he's going to make it come true, starting tonight. And oh, he couldn't wait. He's been watching (Name) for hours straight as she danced, played games, stared outside...

"Shit! Run bitch, run!" A squeal went off, making the killer's forever wide eyes hook onto (Name). She yelled at characters to run and hide, only to well... Here; "Ha! I told you to run! Now you're headless! Sucker! Ah!" She laughed at the people dying then shrieked as the next scary part came.

       Oh, how the killer would love to go in and start up some noise, just to scare the crap out of the girl and just dash. Though, he stayed put. He was going to visit her tonight. He'll do something about Tom. Hmmm, maybe a quickie and just stab him in the heart, killing him with ease? He chuckled darkly once more with the thought of hearing his screams.

       Bright lights shined through the trees, startling the murderer. Shit, who must ruin this for him. He looked over and saw a silver car pulling into the driveway of the house. Tom? He's not supposed to be back until... The killer looked into the house and at the digital clock that's on the t.v and saw it was already 6:28. Oops, my bad.

       Tom climbed out of the car and shut the door behind him. He walked up the steps to the two doors to enter the house, locking the car behind him. The killer's gaze quickly snapped back to the living room window where he saw (Name) starring at the t.v, totally engrossed into the movie. With a growl, he went a bit closer so he could hear better.

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