9: A Change In Plans...

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*Present Time*
*Your Pov.*


I groaned in frustration as my alarm blared through my room, waking me up from my well needed slumber. I lazily moved my hand over to where the alarm was on my night stand and tried to turn it off. After a few tries of hitting it, I finally nailed it right on the snooze button. I kept my eyes closed and stayed where i was for a few moments before sleep slowly began to take be away again. Well, until...

"Get up, (Name)! Were going to drive instead so we can enjoy the trip, also because were late and you're still not packed!" My eyes shot wide open and I sat right up in my bed, my messy and knotted hair getting in my face from the sudden hard and fast force in movement. Uncle Tom had bust in through my bedroom door, making it slam into the wall behind it.

I looked between my Uncle and the door dumbfounded, totally not really sure as to what was happening at that very moment. I glanced around my room, looking for some sort of explanation to this madness until my eyes hit the clock and what time it was... 12:04.

What? Shouldn't he be at work!? And that is exactly what came out of my mouth when I looked up at him with a face full of clear confusion.

"It's late, shouldn't you be at work?" I asked and he chuckled.

"No silly, remember? Today were moving to Europe where my new job takes place." I stared at him in confusion before last night's movements took place in my head.

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself as I remembered that not only had he gotten a new job that he had to move for but also that I couldn't go because of a certain killer wanting to play a stupid game. "Tom..." I started before he cut me off.

"Tell me in the car, we have to hurry!" He ran out of my room excitedly, slamming my door behind him.

"Don't slam my doors Mr.! And no running in my house!" I could hear his laughter echo from downstairs to upstairs, knowing he heard what I said. A soft smile played at my lips as I fell back in my bed. Soon a frown came upon them though. I can't go with him. He's so excited to spend more time with me and adventure this new place together and I couldn't go.

I groggily got out of bed, wanting nothing more than to crawl back in and rot like the trash I am. I'd rather this than telling Tom about the change in plans. As I walked down the hall and stairs, the beautiful voice of my Uncle singing, filled my ears. I smiled softly as he sang his favorite song; That'll Be The Day by Buddy Holly.

"Well that'll be the day when you say goodbye
Yeah, yes that'll be the day when you make me cry
You say you're gonna leave me, you know it's a lie
'Cause that'll be the day when I die." His voice rang through the house, full of cheer and excitement. This side of Tom is what makes days worth living. His childish and creative self as he runs around being the male idiot he is.

"Well, you gave me all your loving

And all your turtle doving
All your hugs and kisses
And your money too,

You know I love you baby
Still you tell me maybe
That someday, well
I'll be through." I walked into the kitchen where I saw him dancing 80's moves as he packed soda, candy, and some real food. Yes, he had decided to take the car because he wanted to see everything that we pass on our way there.

"Well, that'll be the day when you say goodbye
Yeah, yes, that'll be the day when you make me cry
You say you're gonna leave me, you know it's a lie
'Cause that'll be the day when I die" My heart broke just a bit as I leaned against the kitchen door way and watched the silly man that I would really miss. Who knows when I see him next. I don't even know if that mysterious killer is going to kill me if I lose or not. What will be the awards for the winners? What will be the punishments for the losers?

Oh my god... This might be the last time I see Tom. I might not ever get the chance to marry or have kids. I'll probably never get to try to get a job or take online learning again. Never get to reach any goals such as learning how to play the guitar or learning going back to find my old babysitter and how she is.

I might die within this next year, and no evidence will lead to who did it. No vengeance will be made, no forever goodbyes will be said... I'll be possibly in my own puddle of blood. I've seen what this guy can do. What if he can actually break me? What if I give up? What if I lose? What if-

"(Name), are you alright? You look like you're about to be sick." I was brought back to reality and my gaze nailed onto my uncle who gave me a worried look.

"What?" I asked.

"You look upset. Is something wrong?" He asked me again. I stared at him for a moment. Am I really doing this? Is this real life? I nodded to him as I looked down.

"Actually yeah." I said and he his gaze filled with more curiosity.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I was quiet for a moment, trying to put my thoughts together before I opened my mouth and said the exact words that I never wanted to say;

"I can't live with you anymore. I think it would be best to get a early start on searching and all, you know?" I asked. It was quiet for a moment before Tom smiled at me.

"If that's what you really want."

"Wait, you're not mad?" I asked and he chuckled whilst shaking his head.

"Why would I be mad? You're growing up and wanting to get out in life. That's all I could really want for you. A great future." Well, there ain't gonna be a future maybe. I smiled at him and nodded before he brought me into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you." I mumbled into the crook of his neck as I hugged him tighter and he chuckled.

"I'm gonna miss you more, Angel." Right now is the moment I never wanted. A goodbye. He will be moving to Europe and I'll be here in Flagstaff, alone with a deranged killer who will possibly take my life. I have to make these last few moments count, for I might never see Tom ever again.

Hey guys! Please take the reviews! It helps me with what you guys' are into for when I make my future stories! Thank you!

WARNING: Updates are not given a certain time, I will try to update when I can but I have a lot to do in life. I also want the book to be written the best I can.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask. :)

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-The Regretful...

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