55: Round Two

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*Your POV*

*Present Time*

My heart was beyond the point of racing. I felt like I was on the verge of having a heart attack. My lungs felt like even the air around me could drown them. My shoulders felt stiff, as if I was holding the weight of the world. My mind was out of order, knowing the people I love were just inside the one place I called home which was now being used to hold them hostage.

As for what had become of them, I had absolutely no idea and that fact scared me more than anything. But knowing that I was the only one that could help them, possibly save them and yet I was in the process of being caught? Part of me truly felt like a royal fuck up but I wasn't going down without a fight.

The last time I shot a gun was at Jane and I missed every place I aimed at but was lucky enough to hit her all three times. That told me one thing and that was even though I had shitty aim, I could still cause some serious damage and that was honestly all I needed to do. So as I listened to the clicking of heels approach my front door, I held the gun up to the entry way, patiently waiting for it to open. I stood there, in this constant state of distress, waiting for that door knob to turn and when it finally did, I felt relief a huge sense of when I finally pulled the trigger.

An all too familiar sound rang out, echoing through the trees, causing my ears to ring. The screams that followed after didn't help my hearing but it did tell me that I hit my target. Keeping my gun held up, I looked over Jane who was gripping at her arm, leaning against the front door. She was wearing a black, long sleeve sweater so the wound wasn't noticeable at first but the blood that stained the door and patio not long after was a confidence booster.

"You rotten Bitch!" Cursing at me through clenched teeth, she pushed off the door and made a move towards me. I quickly lowered my gun to her legs and without hesitance I pulled the trigger again. "Ugh!"

This time the bullet had obviously pierced her thigh through her dark blue jeans, blood pouring down her leg and to her heels. Gripping her knee, below her wound, she glared daggers at me. Everything was happening so fast that I couldn't process most of it. I just knew that if she moved I had to shoot and eventually, I had to be on the other side of her.

"You... You really got a death wish, don't you?!" She looked like she was about to come at me again but her eyes made contact with the gun and she showed hesitance in her actions.

"Maybe... But I'm not the only one." And without a second though I raised the run to eye level and pulled the trigger. In my movement she tried moving herself out of the way but after those two shots she wasn't fast enough. This time the bullet pierced her chest and with only a gasp she grabbed her sweater in her fists and stumbled from the entry way, straight down to the cement patio.

Not even thinking about the state she was in or what tricks she could have up her sleeve, my main focus was on the front door which was now wide open and welcoming me inside. Keeping the gun gripped tightly in with hands, I quickly made my way to the patio but the moment I was out to enter, I felt a strong yank on my ankle that made me stumble. Grabbing both sides of the door way, I looked down at Jane who was using her other hand to pull something out of her back pocket.

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