25: Cold yet Toxic

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*Narrator Pov.*

*Present Time*

It was three minutes before the stroke of midnight and the sky was completely pitch black. The dark clouds slowly crept in the night air, quietly crying down onto the earth's soil. There was not a trace of light, but only a calm rumble of the depressed scenery coming from above. Any stars that were to shine brightly were buried deep within the darkness itself, not allowing a single shimmer of hope to escape.

The trees swayed with the quiet wind, it rushing their leaves and letting the dead ones flutter to the wet, ground. There they were washed under the tears the clouds cried. They were covered by the ground's soil with help of the wind, as well as stepped on by the shadows that lurked within the forest.

The small area where it rained was not a registered camping ground but there were small tents scattered here and there and once in a blue moon you'd find someone occupying them. The area was no where near civilization, so not many knew of its existence. Usually those who were to camp there were travelers and not from around there or they were people who wanted to test old rumors or play with drugs in secret where they wouldn't get caught. The other people who knew of the existence of these woods, knew better than to go near them. For the old rumors that spread within the closest towns were nothing but true.

There were damaged skeletons found by hikers, torn camps found by travelers, bloodstains found by photographers. All of these reported to the police and ended up on bulletin boards. However no matter how many times News groups went to get some sort of proof, they came back with only static films and no proof or trace of any life near by. After trying again and again, people soon gave up and stopped approaching the eerie place.

About four months ago, with no proof of any existing organisms, was when all of the visitors suddenly stopped coming. The only things that ever lurked between the trees were the shadows underneath the moon's light. This however, did not bother what was living in those woods one bit. Finally being able to move around without a bit of disturbance was really nice, especially when it came to feeding time.

Steps that were too quiet to hear over the loud rumbling of the clouds and splashing drops of rain moved through the aching trees that swayed in the wind's dance. The being slowly made their way to their destination, unknown by anyone that would be watching them. Their tall and slim figure moved as if they were only a shadow themselves, not giving any attention to the leaves that walked over them.

With every step taken their eyes shifted to a new spot in front of them. Their hands shook a little as if they were chilled, but it had nothing to do with the cold weather. In the distance, anyone could have noticed the small, metallic blade, peering out of their sweater's pocket, glaring at anything and everything it passed by. Such a beautiful surface, you'd think it was brand new! However, the owner of the weapon was very much addicted to it's piercing gaze and made sure to take extra good care of it.

Thinking this, the right side of their lips turned upwards, in a chilling smirk as they gently reached their hand deep into their pocket and grasped the handle of the knife. Feeling the familiar hold of their companion made their stomach flutter in anticipation. The very glare that this knife threw, reminded the being of someone they cared so deeply for.

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