1: Uncle Tom

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*Edited July 11th, 2017*

*Present Time*

*Your Pov.*

Nine years later and I still remember that day clearly. My biological parents had died in a car accident, leaving me behind. I had grabbed the things that I would need for the night and the cops took me away. The next day, Uncle Tom had been reached and came to get me, only to bring me back with him to Flagstaff. It was pretty nice up here; it would snow in the winter and the weather was cool and we would get a lot of rain. When it would get hot, the weather wasn't unbearable, just warm. It was perfect for morning walks down the mountain trails.

Losing my parents didn't really affect me much other than the fact that I was afraid I would be put in an orphanage like they do to kids in the movies. I didn't want to end up being harassed by some nasty old lady with a huge wart on her nose who would tell me that "sharing is caring" and would take a whack at my hands with a ruler for saying "God dammit" after stubbing my toe. Lucky enough for me, a man named Tom, whom my parents spoke of time after time, came to my rescue and took me in without second thought.

There, I found out that he was my father's older brother and my uncle. At first I didn't believe it because the first thing he said to me when we met at the station was; "So you're the troublesome (Name) I've heard so much about. Did you know we have quite a bit in common?" and it turned out that my parents complained about me all the time and would compare the two of us together, saying we thought and acted alike. His smile was so natural that any worry I had faded away from our atmosphere. He was nothing like anyone I'd ever met before and that, for some reason, made me relieved. I felt like I was saved.

However, only one thing ever made me remember where I grew up as a child, and that was Anna. I never got to say goodbye to her, nor did I get an explanation for everything that she had said before I left. Touching my shoulder, I still remember the tears that stained my skin as she held me tightly. After that, the cops arrived and I never saw her again.

I sat on the couch in the living room, a (Snack) in hand. My feet were propped on the coffee table as I watched the news, the background sound of Tom getting ready for a meeting down town being loud and clear. Uncle Tom had woken up late and was now in a rush to make it on time, though I doubt he will. He'd run up and down the stairs, looking for things that were already in his hands or mixing up the names of objects.

"Ah, wrong shoes! Today we're meeting the finance companies, not the billboard companies!" My eyebrows scrunched together as I contemplated whether or not I should comment how ridiculous that sounded but I kept my mouth shut. "Where's my teeth!?"

"Your keys are hooked on your belt loop so that you wouldn't forget them." I commented as I heard them jingle as he sped by the living room. With a few more clashes of metal on metal, he finally called back.

"Thank you! Look at how smart you are!" I rolled my eyes unconsciously at his way of praise. Nope, it's just that you're too much of a scatterbrain in the morning.

"Need any help?" I called out, taking a bite of my (Snack), my gaze nailed to the t.v.

"No, but thank you!" He called back and I nodded. However, that didn't stop him from making a remark after. "If you really wanted to help, you should have woken me!" I could hear him snicker down the hall but I was still quick to defend myself.

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