Author's Note! (Running for President!)

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        Vote for me, Elvira- The Regretful for your next president!

        We shall reverse all the damage that has been done! I will gain back all of your trust, no matter how long it shall take! We shall become happier and brighter! I will lead you to happiness and devote all of my time in making the dreams of a safe and happy place to live into a reality!

        In order to do so, I have a thought out plan!

        First! We will build a wall around the whole nation to keep the outsiders from cheating! We will not be shaken down! We will build it out of colorful Lego's, to scare the darkness away! Those who are able to approach it will be redeemed worthy! However, if they found a way to fool us, we will take all extra Lego's and dump them over the fall for all the intruders to step on! Muahahaha!

        Every house will have a glitter cannon that will be shot off when your mail has arrived at your door step!

        The streets will become rainbow colored and in replace of those dangerous vehicles will be bumper cars!!! So if you are someone who has anger issues, you have the alright to bump into the man who just cut you off!

        The word pedestrian is no longer apart of our dictionary! From this day forth, they will be depress-trians due to the fact that they don't have bumper cars of their own! All of them will wear glowing unicorn helmets so that bumper cars will acknowledge and not run into them!

        Our flag will be changed into a rainbow pattern with a unicorn drinking a Polar Pop in the center! That Polar Pop loving unicorn will be our nation's symbol!!! If you get lucky, you might see that unicorn at Circle K from time to time!!! Don't fear to ask for a picture and/or autograph!!

        Next, anyone who dares break one of my laws!!! Such as, dirtying the Polar Pop Cup or even staling my Damn Cookie will have to face the charges of the CONE OF SHAME and sit in the corner for FIVE MINUTES! If you DARE turn around once or make a single sound or complaint, five minutes will be added for each disobedient move!

        Everyone will have records! For ever good deed you do, you will get golden star! Each time you reach 100 stars, you will earn a one week worth of free Polar Pops! However!!! For every bad deed done, such as stepping on a crack to deliberately see if it would break your mother's back you will get a naughty sticker! X!!! If you reach ten naughty stickers in a single month, you will become a depress-trian and lose all source of wifi to your home for a whole THREE months!

        And no, you will not get the pleasure to have a glowing unicorn hat with your favorite colors... But the colors you dislike the most...

        Finally, I proclaim this nation from this day forth, to be the United States of Ucornia! Yes, it is a corny name, but we will be corny loving people!!!

        So vote me, Elvira-The Regretful, to be your president!!!

        I shall lead you to the victory you never had as a child when your parents told you no for a cookie until AFTER DINNER!! We will show them all that the cookie much come first!

       P.s: Thank you, Alyssa Kelly for reminding me of my dedication to presidency! Long ago (Seven months ago) I vowed to bring this nation to it's full health and potential!

       Now the good people and I have you to thank for this!~ <3

       Now it's time to start planning more! >:D

       Now it's time to start planning more! >:D

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Now from the Author:

       The chapter is almost done, everyone!~ <3

      Just hold on tight for a little longer and you'll have it! :')

Have a Wonderful Day and Remember to Smile!~ <3 :)

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